Image + Name


Deathsaurus, the Emperor of Destruction, is a Decepticon Leader that hails from the Japanese side of the Transformers franchise. He is part of the Victory subseries and is a Breastforce warrior, having two unique Breast Animals that aid him in both combat and generally looking and being evil. Despite his intimidating power and cruelty towards the Autobots faction lead by Star Saber, he does have a soft spot for children and is suprisingly more compassionate than he lets on- at least in comparsion to Megatron.
Deathsaurus is a powerful heavyweight who utilizes two different standard attack toolkits utilizing his Breast Animals, Eaglebreast and Tigerbreast. Additionally, he has powerful projectile attacks and a midrange melee option in the form of his Death Flail. His Finishers are pretty powerful as well, with Red Geist greatly improving his side special and Planet Destroying Fortress changing the gameplan of a lot of stages.
Gimmick: Breastforce
  Deathsaurus has two assissting animals with him known as Eaglebreast and Tigerbreast. Because Deathsaurus is a Breastforce Transformer, he can install a Breast Animal into his chest to change his properties and fighting style depending on how they are being used. By default, Deathsaurus has Tigerbreast installed into his chest and Eaglebreast stays perched on his shoulder. By using his down special, the player can swap between the two animals and change up how Deathsaurus plays.
- Eaglebreast - When slotted onto Deathsaurus' chest, Eaglebreast gives Deathsaurus a third jump and generally makes Deathsaurus floatier without changing his actual weight. When not slotted into Deathsaurus' chest, Eaglebreast sits perched on Deathsaurus' shoulder and is used during Deathsaurus' normals as a fist weapon, launching opponents away on hits.
- Tigerbreast - When slotted onto Deathsaurus' chest, Tigerbreast gives Deathsaurus a speedier movement speed and a dodge roll while on the ground. When not slotted into Deathsaurus' chest, Tigerbreast crawls and crouches near Deathasaurus and is used during Deathsaurus' normals as a ranged crossbow weapon, replacing his physical attacks with arrow projectiles.
Eaglebreast Attacks |
 Eagle Punch
Eaglebreast quickly crawls to Deathsaurus' fist as Deathsaurus punches forward to deal 8 damage. Has some lengthy start-up but as long as Deathsaurus doesn't use any special moves afterwards this start-up won't be present for any further moves.
 Eagle Driver
Eaglebreast flies to Deathsaurus' fist as Deathsaurus does a rolling punch forward, pushing him forward a character length to deal 9 damage and knocking back a foe much further. Has some lengthy start-up but as long as Deathsaurus doesn't use any special moves afterwards this start-up won't be present for any further moves.
 Rising Eagle
Eaglebreast soars up to meet Deathasaurus' fist as he does a spinning punch upwards, dealing 7-11 damage depending on the frame and sweetspot. Has some lengthy start-up but as long as Deathsaurus doesn't use any special moves afterwards this start-up won't be present for any further moves.
 Eagle Eruption
Eaglebreast clutches onto Deathsaurus' fist as he does a fierce punch to the ground, dealing 8-5 damage depending on the vicinity of nearby opponents- spiking or Burying them on direct hit if in the air or ground. Has some lengthy start-up but as long as Deathsaurus doesn't use any special moves afterwards this start-up won't be present for any further moves.
Tigerbreast Attacks |
 Tiger Arrow
Tigerbreast jumps onto Deathsaurus' fist as he fires off a single arrow, dealing 5 damage. The arc of the projectile trails for long but steadily goes down over a long distance. Has some lengthy start-up but as long as Deathsaurus doesn't use any special moves afterwards this start-up won't be present for any further moves.
 Spiralling Claw
Tigerbreast is hooked into Deathsaurus' fist as he twirls through the arrow, firing off three arrows as a singlular claw point spirals forward. Deals 7-9 damage on hit, with arrows dealing 4-5 damage. Has some lengthy start-up but as long as Deathsaurus doesn't use any special moves afterwards this start-up won't be present for any further moves.
 Tiger Cast
Tigerbreast leaps onto Deathsaurus' arm and Deathsaurus proceeds to fire three arrows up into the sky, which deal 7 damage coming up and 3 damage coming down. Can be used to launch opponents into the air. Has some lengthy start-up but as long as Deathsaurus doesn't use any special moves afterwards this start-up won't be present for any further moves.
 Tiger Volley
Tigerbreast runs up to Deathsaurus and attaches themselved to his arm. Deathsaurus then releases three arrows one after another a splitting distance apart, dealing 6 damage each and knocking foes away from him. A good distance generator. Has some lengthy start-up but as long as Deathsaurus doesn't use any special moves afterwards this start-up won't be present for any further moves.
Special Moves |
Death Flail
Deathsaurus attacks with his flail, swinging it around to deal 6-11 damage depending on where on the flail the opponent was hit. Tilting the control stick allows Deathsaurus to swing it around freely like a physics object, allowing him to keep attacking with it for 3-8 damage depending on how hard the control stick is tipped, being momenteum based.
Kinzoku Seimei Hakai Hō
Deathsaurus loads up his Living-Metal-Destroying Cannon and fires out a beam that deals 8-12 damage depending on where on the beam the opponent was hit. Deals tripled damage to opponents encased in Metal. Has a long charge up animation although cancelling it doesn't negate the charge, merely just holds it and releases it afterwards to decreased damage effect.
Death Wing
Deathsaurus catches sunglight through his wings before firing off two dark purple energy projectiles that swing like boomerangs, creating a curved arc that launches opponents upwards while dealing 9 damage and inflicting the Umbra effect. If under the Solar effect, Deathsaurus can expel it and cancel the lengthy start-up for this move.
Tiger Implant/Eagle Implant
Deathsaurus switches which Breast Animal is in his chest, giving him slightly altered properties and switches which ally is active for him.
Red Geist Level 1
Deathsaurus unfolds his palm and sends out a red ghastly energy that homes onto the nearest opponent, encasing them in Metal and inflicts the Shoe-Glue effect, making it hard for them to avoid his incoming attacks with the Living-Metal-Destroying Cannon. The opponent is stuck like this for 7 seconds.
Beast Mode Level 2
Deathsaurus transforms into his "Beast Mode", a dragon based off kaiju designs on the era he was created in. He can fly around for six seconds and breathe out black fire with either one of the attack buttons, dealing 5-19 damage depending on how the opponent was hit, as well as possibly inflicting the Umbra effect. After six seconds, he returns to normal robot mode.
Planet Destroying Fortress Level 3
Deathsaurus raises his hand upward as his Planet Destroying Fortress comes closer to the stage, blocking off the top half of the stage, even breaking stage geometery temporarily, and then proceeds to charge a laser for 5 seconds that goes through the center of the stage. The laser deals 5 damage every frame and will inflict 45 damage to opponents caught in it on activation. Deathsaurus will want to knock foes into the laser as it goes off. Afterwards, the fortress will recede back into the background or disappear and the stage will heal up, although a brand new hole considered a bottomless pit will be active for 10 seconds.
Alternate Outfits
Characters can undergo transformations when special effects are placed under them.
Makai Spell
Heaven Spell
Midnight Bliss
Incubus Delight
Deathsaurus becomes much more aggressive, gaining a 1.3x boost to his attack strength and speed, but whiffs much more often and his projectile attacks take on 30 additional degrees to their arc. This lasts for six seconds.
Power Drain
When Deathsaurus is caught by Rogue, he is kissed on the lips. Rogue gains Death Flail as a replacement for her neutral special Photon Blast, allowing her to attack with Deathsaurus' flail and use it to attack opponents from midrange. She also gains either a speed bonus or jump height bonus depending on whether Eaglebreast or Tigerbreast is slotted into Deathsaurus' chest, boosting those attributes by 1.3x for six seconds.
Deathsaurus' secret is revealed.
Deathsaurus was a Decepticon tired of Megatron's apathy towards his own troops and decided to create his own sub-faction and stole resources in order to do so. As such, Megatron sees his actions as betrayal but will also not hesistate to team up with him to destroy the Autobots.
Saul Goodman gives a testimony for his client.
Your honor, my client is not your typical tyrant, alright? He just wants to be the Emperor of Destruction, but with a heart. These foreign policies- he's not interested in that kind of red tape. Tell him where to lead a destructive fleet and I'm sure he'll push Earth down his to-do list. There's no reasoning with him, legally, and let's not make him any madder than he already is, right?
When Ralsei encounters Deathsaurus, he offers up a glass of Energon which gets Deathsaurus drunk, inflicting Dizzy and causing him to trip during movement for the next 10 seconds.
Unlock Method
Complete 100 matches as Megatron.