
Livewire, also known as Leslie Willis, was a former podcast host for Laughing Fish, a true crime podcast going over crimes committed by the Joker. Leslie was known for her loud and often spiteful personality, superheroes often in her ire of which she and her cohost Alexis Kaye would often joke about on their show. After Alexis went missing for several weeks and was found to be working with the Joker, Leslie attempted to distance herself. That being said, the call to fame and controversy would lead her to coming on as a guest to a live show for My Robin, My Robin, and Me where she was electrocuted while Superman tried to save her, although the electricity coursed through his body and ended up going through her. As a result, Leslie became Livewire, a reckless electrical freak supervillain. She has a ironic sense to how she does things although her old friend Alexis rubbed on her a little bit too.
Livewire is an electrical-heavy character that can be very quick and damaging in the right hands, able to effectively fight opponents from a distance and can also close or gain distance quickly using Living Lightning, her up special. Her finishers, especially Endless Blue give her a lot of additional application that plays well into her simple moveset. Her main weaknesses are her elemental weakness to water and having somewhat ineffective physical attacks, as she relies heavily on projectiles that can be easily absorbed by other opponents. She is immune to the Shocked status effect, however.
Lightning Strike Level 1
Livewire pulses the ground with her hand, creating electrical pulses that move across the ground and deal 5 damage each, with a total of three waves. Each wave of electrical pulses can lock a opponent into a stun state, and if three successfully hit it will put a opponent into a Shocked state.
Endless Blue Level 2
Livewire fires off a electrical vortex that spins about a character length away that stays on screen for six seconds, pulsing out electricity, dealing 7 damage on contact and shocking foes that come near it. She can use it for set ups and combos or do some edge guarding with it.
Power Outage Level 3
Livewire perfoms a cutscene finisher where she pulses through the stage itself, turning off all the power in the stage before unleashing a multi-beam attack that damages everyone caught in it for 45 damage.