Image + Name

Panty and Stocking

The Anarchy Sisters, also known as Panty and Stocking, are exiled angels who fight demonic ghosts in order to get back into heaven. Panty is a sex-crazed gunslinger, while Stocking is a gluttonous swordswoman. Both of them don't give a shit about fighting, but take missions anyway out of obligation just so that Garterbelt leaves them alone.
Panty and Stocking are two characters in one, sharing a down special and a set of Finishers. Panty focuses on ranged attacks that are weaker, but has more evasion tactics and options for how she deals damage. Stocking deals melee damage and can generally do more damage, but lacks true defensive options. Panty has better vertical recovery while Stocking has better horizontal recovery.
Gimmick: Sister Swap
 Panty and Stocking don't consider the battles in Blight Bastions worth both of their undivided attention and time considering they don't get Heaven Coins out of them, so one of them will always be sitting out on the sidelines either lounging out or eating desserts in the background of the stage. The Anarchy Sisters utilize their down special attacks to switch out. The only attacks that utilize both of their power are their Finishers.
Both share a pool of health but both act as different characters with different playstyles. Panty is more ranged and projectile focused, while Stocking utilizes melee attacks. Panty and Stocking even collect different Banana and Banana Coin colors.
Panty pulls out her pistol, Backlace and fires on tap or charges on hold. Panty fires either a small bullet that deals 5 damage and won't flinch on tap, or a bigger bullet that deals 8-11 damage that will flinch. Panty has different options depending on how the player inputs the move. While in the charge state, Panty can fire it more precisely in the angle that the player inputs the control stick in. If the player taps and then inputs a movement command, she will either do a roll or a backflip after firing. Performing either the roll or backflip will add 3 extra damage to her bullet.
 Girth Shift
Panty can shift her Backlace weapon by utilizing various different underwear. She can shift between a shotgun with two highly loaded bullets that deal 18 damage per hit but require a cooldown afterwards, a short tiny gun that deals 1 damage with it's pea-sized projectiles but a lot of knockback, or a cannon that fires a single white missile that is heatseeking but incredibly slow, dealing 10 damage on hit. She can either tap to shift between the Backlace types or hold to access a menu that allows her to change through a quick menu.
 Cosmos Pole
Panty summons a pole, which she climbs up and then kicks off, knocking the pole forward onto opponents to deal 8 damage as she leaps through the air. She can do this in the air, but will always leap off in the opposite direction. As such, using this for recovery can be tricky for beginner players. If Stocking holds down on the input, she won't climb it, just swinging on the pole in a swing kick that deals 10 damage. Tap the button while she's swinging off the pole to then launch her.
Panty leaves the fight, laying across the couch as her sister Stocking enters the battlefield. She does the following actions while off duty:
- Panty flips through a magazine before throwing it away.
- Panty stretches and abuses Chuck.
- Panty leaves to go to her bedroom. When the player attempts to switch out, Panty will drop down from the sky, wearing just a blanket before transforming back into her red dress. This adds seconds to switch. This occurs if Stocking is out for over a minute without switching.
 Stripes I & II
Panty pulls out her pistol, Backlace and fires on tap or charges on hold. Panty fires either a small bullet that deals 5 damage and won't flinch on tap, or a bigger bullet that deals 8-11 damage that will flinch. Panty has different options depending on how the player inputs the move. While in the charge state, Panty can fire it more precisely in the angle that the player inputs the control stick in. If the player taps and then inputs a movement command, she will either do a roll or a backflip after firing. Performing either the roll or backflip will add 3 extra damage to her bullet.
Panty can shift her Backlace weapon by utilizing various different underwear. She can shift between a shotgun with two highly loaded bullets that deal 18 damage per hit but require a cooldown afterwards, a short tiny gun that deals 1 damage with it's pea-sized projectiles but a lot of knockback, or a cannon that fires a single white missile that is heatseeking but incredibly slow, dealing 10 damage on hit. She can either tap to shift between the Backlace types or hold to access a menu that allows her to change through a quick menu.
Panty summons a pole, which she climbs up and then kicks off, knocking the pole forward onto opponents to deal 8 damage as she leaps through the air. She can do this in the air, but will always leap off in the opposite direction. As such, using this for recovery can be tricky for beginner players. If Stocking holds down on the input, she won't climb it, just swinging on the pole in a swing kick that deals 10 damage. Tap the button while she's swinging off the pole to then launch her.
 Dessert Deserve
Panty leaves the fight, laying across the couch as her sister Stocking enters the battlefield. She does the following actions while off duty:
- Panty flips through a magazine before throwing it away.
- Panty stretches and abuses Chuck.
- Panty leaves to go to her bedroom. When the player attempts to switch out, Panty will drop down from the sky, wearing just a blanket before transforming back into her red dress. This adds seconds to switch. This occurs if Stocking is out for over a minute without switching.
Panty and Stocking go into the battle field together, fighting back to back as they deal both a gun attack and a katana slashing attack. Both deal 15 damage, with Stocking's attack launching foes while Panty's attack will stun opponents.
The Anarchy sister in play points to the opponent and if hit, the background turns into a disco club similar to their transformation scene from the series as Stocking and Panty dash across the stage to deal attacks, exchanging banter. At the end of the attack, it will deal the delayed 30 damage and cause the opponent to explode, launching them straight up.
Panty and Stocking go through a sped up version of their transformation sequence, shouting "REPENT, MOTHERFUCKER!" as they gain powered up attacks and fly on opposite ends of the stage, slashing and shooting opponents to deal a total of 50 damage overall across all nearby opponents. It's best against 1 v 1 fights, as the damage is spread across multiple characters in larger fighters.
Alternate Outfits
Characters can undergo transformations when special effects are placed under them.
Makai Spell
Panty and Stocking transform into paper mache models of themselves- a reference to how they defeat ghosts on their series.
Heaven Spell
Panty and Stocking transform into two giant butterflies as a reference to the album art of Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt: The Original Soundtrack.
Midnight Bliss
Incubus Delight
Panty and Stocking take on male appearances- in true Trigger fashion, Stocking seems to resemble Kamina from Gurren Lagann while Panty resembles Nova from Space Patrol Luluco.
Panty and Stocking become faster and deal more damage while under the Jokerified state, although they tend to whiff their attacks more. Lasts 6 seconds.
Power Drain
When Panty is caught by Rogue, she is kissed on the lips. Rogue gains Backlace as a replacement for her neutral special Photon Blast, allowing her to attack with Panty's Backlace gun. She also gains a speed bonus, boosting her speed by 1.3x for six seconds.
When Stocking is caught by Rogue, she is kissed on the lips. Rogue gains Stripes I & II as a replacement for her neutral special Photon Blast, allowing her to perform Stocking's katana attacks. She also gains a defence bonus, boosting her defence by 1.3x for six seconds.
Panty's secret is revealed. Panty is a closet bisexual. Stocking's secret is revealed.Stocking has been essentiately MK Ultra'd by Corset to take on demon behavior in case Corset fell. This is a reference to the last episode of the first season where Stocking cuts up Panty into 666 pieces and declares herself to be a demon.
Saul Goodman gives a testimony for his client.
Your honor, my clients have to take off their underwear to protect the city. You may not like it, but a public nudity charge doesn't make any sense in this case and should be thrown out of court.