Image + Name

Blowout Kirby

Big birthday boy coming through! Blowout Kirby is a version of Kirby that lacks his trademark Copy Abilties, instead needing to spit out swallowed things as Star Bullets to deal damage to foes. The more he intakes, the bigger star power he has. Blowout Kirby is a unique iteration of Kirby that shares many qualities with the real Kirby, but their massive size when they swallow a lot of things is a dead giveaway to his identity.
Blowout Kirby is a single button character who utilizes other opponents and their projectiles, attacks, and traps and turns them into a powerful projectile that gets more powerful the more that they absorb. They lack traditional Finishers as well, instead summoning bosses to attack opponents, although they can just as easily aid in the battle for a reward after the round is over. Only one boss can be summoned at a time and there is a 30 second cooldown to Blowout Kirby's Finishers before he can summon a boss again.
Gimmick: Blowout Blast
 Blowout Kirby follows the mechanics and rules of the 3DS eshop title Kirby's Blowout Blast, which featured the pink puffball in a situtation where he couldn't just use his copy abilities. The more Blowout Kirby swallows, the more damaging their Star Bullet becomes, eventually becoming a very powerful Blaster Bullet that deals 45 damage and admisters shock on impact. This is basically Blowout Kirby's only attack, forcing them to pay attention to their opponent and look for openings. Additionally, physical attacks usually have "drop stars" that come off their heavier attacks which Kirby can swallow for Star Bullet power.
Inhale Star Bullet Blaster Bullet
Kirby can inhale opponents, enemies, projectiles, traps, and items to create Star Bullets. Hold down to keep inhaling- when Kirby inhales five or more things at once he can he let out a powerful rainbow Blaster Bullet.
Star Bullets
 1x Power
When Kirby swallows 1 thing, he can spit out a Star Bullet that deals 7 damage on impact. It can go a total of 7 character lengths and flinches opponents.
 2x Power
When Kirby swallows 2 things, he can spit out a Star Bullet that deals 14 damage on impact. It can go a total of 12 character lengths and soft stuns opponents.
 3x Power
When Kirby swallows 3 things, he can spit out a Star Bullet that deals 21 damage on impact. It can go a total of 16 character lengths and hard stuns opponents.
 4x Power
When Kirby swallows 4 things, he can spit out a Star Bullet that deals 28 damage on impact. It can go a total of 20 character lengths and hard stuns opponents, as well as inflicting Solar.
 Blaster Bullet
When Kirby swallows 5 or more things, he can spit out a Blaster Bullet, which deals 45 damage on impact and goes the full length of the screen. It also deals hard Solar, greatly decreasing a opponent's weight after the hard Shock from impact. Blaster Bullets can also break through guards and breaks through blocks without vanishing.
 Kracko Jr. Level 1
Kracko Jr. appears as a boss. Blowout Kirby will have immunity to their attacks but can aid in destroying them. Kracko Jr. has 100 health total to deplete. Kracko Jr. attacks with the following different attacks with a bit of a random pattern to them:
- Kracko Jr. stops moving and releases a drop star that can be swallowed by Blowout Kirby for 1x power Star Bullet. Ocasionally drops a Gordo that bounces and deals 35 damage and Buries opponents on impact. Can be reflected to deal massive damage to Kracko Jr.
- Kracko Jr. swoops flat across the floor, occasionally circling the whole stage if possible. Destroys soft platforms.
- Kracko Jr. moves in a circle and drops four spinning black projectiles that deal 8 damage on hit with soft stun, very little knockback.
- Kracko Jr. moves across the ceiling of the stage, dropping three bombs that explode when they hit the ground which deals 8-23 damage to opponents near the blast.
- Kracko Jr. shoots one or two harmful beam whips that rotate quickly around himself, dealing 9 electric damage on hit, causing Shock on impact.
- Kracko Jr. chases a random opponent around while shooting a continuous bolt of lightning below himself, dealing 11 electric damage and spiking hard. Inflicts Shock.
 Lololo and Lalala Level 2
Lololo and Lalala appears as a boss. Blowout Kirby will have immunity to their attacks but can aid in destroying them. Each has 100 health total to deplete, for a total of 200 health. They create a series of soft platforms, three long ones that reach from the edges of the screen while destroying anything else in the way. The two attacks with the following different attacks with a bit of a random pattern to them:
- Lololo pushes a Emerald Framer block that deals 7-9 damage on contact, while Lalala pushes a Gordo around that deals 35 damage on contact. Emerald Framers have projectile properties while Gordos do not.
- Lololo and Lalala push Gordos around that deal 35 damage on contact.
- Lololo and Lalala push around Emerald Framer blocks that deal 7-9 damage on contact, which have projectile properties.
 Giant Masked Dedede Level 3
Giant Masked Dedede appears as a boss. Blowout Kirby will have immunity to their attacks but can aid in destroying them. Giant Masked Dedede has 500 health total to deplete and appears in the center of the stage with his head acting as the hurtbox. Giant Masked Dedede attacks with the following different attacks with a bit of a random pattern to them:
- Giant Masked Dedede will fire a laser from their jet hammer, attacking from above as their head remains in the center of the stage. The jet powered laser deals 35 damage on impact and deals a searing Burn effect with Drop Stars constantly dropping from the laser.
- Giant Masked Dedede will charge up his jet hammer while following a random opponent and then slam down, leaving a giant shockwave in the wake. The hammer will Flatten opponents and deal 45 damage while the shockwave will deal 7 damage and flinch opponents. Leaves 5 drop stars.
- Giant Masked Dedede holds back his hammer and then iron doors open on it to release missiles, which deal 15 damage each in a explosive impact. These missiles can be reflected. When they land, they leave behind a drop star.
- Giant Masked Dedede opens his mouth, his mask splitting as he reveals his maw as he tries to suck in opponents, magnetizing traps, projectiles, and characters. Running in the opposite direction fights against this wind pull. Gordos, which deal 35 damage on impact, ocasionally show up to complicate things.
Alternate Outfits
 Characters can undergo transformations when special effects are placed under them.
Makai Spell
Heaven Spell
Midnight Bliss
Incubus Delight
Blowout Kirby is uneffected by Jokerification because Kirby is free of sinful impulses. Ephesians 4:26.
Power Drain
When Blowout Kirby is caught by Rogue, the puffball is kissed on the forehead. Rogue gains Inhale as a replacement for her neutral special Photon Blast, allowing her to inhale and spit out things to shoot out star bullets, although she lacks the ability to replicate Blaster Bullet. She also gains a eating bonus, boosting the amount of health she heals back from food items by 1.3x for twelve seconds.
When The Monstars rob the talent of Blowout Kirby, they gain Inhale to replace their side special, Intercept. This allows them to inhale and spit out things to shoot star bullets, although they can't replicate Blaster Bullet. The active Monstar gains Kirby's shoes as a physical attribute.
Blowout Kirby's secret is revealed.
Blowout Kirby is one of the Kirbies that dances with the main Kirby.
Saul Goodman gives a testimony for his client.
Your honor, my client is just hungry. We all know Kirby is inherently free of sin, so why do we bother with a court and jury of sinners? Your honor, dismiss this case.
When Blowout Kirby is caught by Posion, Poison attempts to forcefeed him donuts but he keeps eating, eventually leading Poison to break a baton over her knee in frustation. Heals Blowout Kirby by 45 health.
When Ralsei encounters Blowout Kirby, he feeds Blowout Kirby a cake which heals Kirby for 30 hit points but does put him immediately to Sleep.
Unlock Method
Eat 100 food items.