Image + Name

Captain America

Captain America, also known as Steve Rogers, is a agent for SHIELD and works for the American government- on his own terms at least. Captain America has a history of disagreeing with the United States government and the title has been passed down to anyone the government feels may be good for their image. However, Steve tends to get his way and is willing to fight his country if they go against his ideals. After being zapped by the multiversal beam of the Collider, Captain America continues the good fight in the Black Hole.
Captain America is one of the more defensive fighters in the game, literally using a shield as his main weapon. His guard with the shield is one of the best in the game, although throwing it as a projectile can also deal massive damage. He can also dodge attacks with cartwheels and knock foes around with physical attacks. As a medium weight, he's got average recovery and decent damage output.
American Way
Captain America pushes forward with his shield, knocking a opponent out of the way to deal 8 damage before kneeling in a defense position; all projectiles will just deflect off his shield in this state. Holding down on the neutral special button will keep Captain America in this defensive posistion, although he can be hit from the back or top to knock him out of this state and heavy attacks will put him in the Out of Body state.
50 State Riochet
Captain America throws his shield, which goes across the screen until it hits an opponent to deal 7 damage or the edge of the screen, in which it will return to Captain America. On the way back if it hits a opponent it'll deal 11 damage and inflict Break although won't knock them back like the initial forward hit.
Stars & Stripes
Captain America tilts up and jumps into the air while slamming into his opponent, knocking them up into the air while dealing 8 damage. This is a weak recovery but can be used for a third jump, although it'll put Captain America in a free fall state immediately afterwards.
Spangled Cartwheel
Captain America does a cartwheel to avoid attacks and then follows with a uppercut with his shield that deals 8 damage and knocks opponents upwards. The cartwheel has dodge frames for 45 frames, allowing him to dodge a lot of very high damage attacks with a lot of leniancy, and the player can do a reverse cartwheel that deals more knock back if they tilt the control stick in the other direction.
 Hit the Pentagon Level 1
Captain America's shield projects a red, white, and blue holographic energy shield, which can be cast out as either a projectile that inflicts 15 damage with heavy stun or be cast as a bomb of sorts by tapping or holding the attack button. When it's set as a "bomb", a opponent that hits the shield will be inflicted with 20 damage and be dealt with the Out of Body effect.
 Captain America's Van Level 2
Captain America rides a yellow van built by Wakandans, which drives from the edge of the stage and to the other side, dealing 30 damage on any opponents in the way of the van, knocking opponents up into the air or spiking them downwards. Captain America has invincibility for the drive, and the Finisher move usually lasts about 2 seconds on a average sized stage.
 Cap-Wolf Level 3
Captain America transforms into a werewolf, striking opponents with claw attacks that deal 17 damage, with increased speed, higher jumps, and can chain claw attacks when the attack button is mashed. When Captain America lands 3 claw attacks on a opponent, it inflicts Bleed. This werewolf state lasts for 15 seconds before reverting back to Steve Rogers. Additionally when Cap-Wolf runs, they deal 7 charge damage.
Alternate Outfits
Characters can undergo transformations when special effects are placed under them.
Makai Spell
Heaven Spell
Midnight Bliss
Incubus Delight
Power Drain
When Captain America is caught by Rogue, he is kissed on the lips. Rogue gains American Way as a replacement for her neutral special Photon Blast, allowing her to push forward with her own version of Captain America's shield. She also gains a defense bonus, boosting her defense by 1.3x for six seconds.
When The Monstars rob the talent of Captain America, they gain 50 State Riochet to replace their side special, Intercept. This allows them to throw a Space Jam-themed shield, which has boomerang properties. The active Monstar gains Captain America's suit as a physical attribute.
Captain America's secret is revealed.
While Captain America was pretty based for a man of his time, he still instictively thinks any German person he comes across might be a Nazi.
Saul Goodman gives a testimony for his client.
Your honor, my client has PTSD from the war, so during one of his episodes he might have accidentally socked a innocent person who just happened to be German. I think witnesses can vouch that plenty of warning was given before Captain America randomly charged up to someone with a shield. Alright? So, kind of on them.
When Captain America is caught by Posion, Poison hangs him upside down by the feet in the Mad Gear hideout and hooks him up to a car battery to repeatedly shock him, although is impressed with the "American Pig"'s resolve as he takes 45 damage.
When Ralsei encounters Captain America, he shakes his hand and inflicts a level of Drowsiness onto Captain America.
Unlock Method
Get your hands on Element 95, Americium.