Image + Name


Cortana or better known as "Corpstana" in this particular iteration, is the ai companion of Flood Type John-117 and was the one who ultimately led to the doomed timeline that she and him come from, having stopped the UNSC from killing the infected Master Chief. Infected with the "Logic Plague", Corpstana experiences a higher, more degenerative version of rampancy that she cannot truly kill as it comes from the Gravemind itself and carries out the will of the Flood while at the same time thinking she is the thinker of her own decisions.
Corpstana is a semi-clone which is based off Cortana and The Weapon, but every single move is different in some way and they have different gimmickery going on, entirely abandoning the hologram/hard light mixture gameplay in favor of a intentionally glitchy moveset and infection-focused moves. Her fundamentals may feel the same, but she plays quite a bit different and rather unpredictable due to her rampancy. She can additionally summon Flood, Forerunner weapons, and the Gravemind itself for her Finishers, which are rather powerful.
Gimmick: Logic Plague
 Corpstana's gimmick is a bit more different than Cortana and The Weapon in that she exists in a hard light form all the time, and is armored up with a suit meant to replace parts of herself that fall to decay from the Logic Plague. As such, she is incredibly "glitchy" in a intentional way and her attacks reflect this- she will inflict "rampant" hits with a different execution than the move does normally at random. She becomes wildly unpredictable as a opponent and for a player, and should be approached with caution from either side of the playing field.
Hot Mercury
Corpstana attempts to switch into hologram mode but instead unleashes a glitchy effect around her (about 3 character lengths long) that inflicts 8 fire damage and can inflict the Addiction effect on opponents. She puts her hands on her head as she either screams or cries, with crying having a longer uncancellable animation. On "rampant" hit, she'll inflict much more area (about 6 character lengths in radius) and inflict Distort on foes instead.
Rampant Fragmentation
Corpstana will send out a "clone" of herself to inflict damage- she can send out up to 5 although each has a random, glitchy animation attack that deals 5-18 damage and Corpstana will sometimes deal 7 damage to herself as well as inflict the Frozen to herself and others nearby. On "rampant" hit, she'll send out a very glitched out Cortana clone that does a spiral drill kick that inflicts 24 damage and causes the opponent to Levitate rapidly.
Corpse In The Machine
Corpstana transfers her conciousness into a projectile, trap, or troop and is able to control it directly for a brief period of time. She can pre-emptively set off bombs, crawl around as traps, use troop attacks for herself, or even freely fly around as a projectile. She will take some damage upon a object's destruction or time out, but this can be cancelled by doing the input again and the game will still think Corpstana was the original "owner" of the attack. While this in theory works the same as Cortana and The Weapon's version of the move, sometimes Corpstana will set off early beyond the player's control to deal 3x as much damage.
Flood Blister
Corpstana throws a fleshy-looking "gernade" that explodes across the ground to form a Flood Blister, which produces Flood Spores in a 6 by 6 character length area, generating Wither damage for every 10 frames a character finds themselves in the spore covered area. If a character touches the protruding part of the Flood Blister, it'll swallow them whole to deal 15 damage and create a swarm of 3 Pod Infectors that deal 4-5 damage on hit as they latch onto a opponent. Pod Infectors are incredibly weak, only having 10 health. They inflict Poison on hit. Flood Blisters are active for 10 seconds. Corpstana can only create one Flood Blister at a time with a 30 second cooldown.
 Abomination Level 1
Corpstana summons a Flood Abomination which deals damage with whipping attacks that inflict Poison and 11 damage on hit. Additionally, any active Flood Blister will increase in effectiveness, expanding out to a 12 character length radius of effect. The Abomination has 50 health and will stick around for 7 seconds before vanishing.
 Mendicant Bias Level 2
Corpstana summons Mendicant Bias, a Forerunner AI who also defected to the Flood long, long before Cortana had done the same. Mendicant Bias is ordered by Corpstana to utilize Forerunner tech, causing Mendicant Bias to upgrade Corpstana's body with Sentinel Beams, which appear red and inflict Break on hit, as well inflict 30 damage total to opponents caught in the Sentinel Beams.
 The Gravemind Level 3
The Gravemind arrives from the bottom of the stage, slithering tentacles around the stage platforms, dealing Wither and 13 damage on hit. The Gravemind also deals ambient telepathic damage, inflicting 1 damage per second while on screen. The Gravemind will stick around for 30 seconds and ocasionally produce Pod Infectors, which deal 4-5 poison damage and have 10 health, but overall just watches and observes before slithering away, giving Corpstana a "kiss" with a tentacle on the lips before leaving.
Alternate Outfits
 Short Hair
 Characters can undergo transformations when special effects are placed under them.
Makai Spell
Heaven Spell
Midnight Bliss
Incubus Delight
Corpstana becomes even more irregular, with all her attacks doing their "rampant" variants. This lasts six seconds.
Power Drain
When Corpstana is caught by Rogue, she is kissed on the lips and Rogue takes on a more Flood-like appearance. Rogue gains Hot Mercury as a replacement for her neutral special Photon Blast, allowing her to send off glitchy shockwaves that deal damage. She also gains a defense bonus, boosting her defense by 1.3x for six seconds.
When The Monstars rob the talent of Corpstana, they gain Rampant Fragmentation to replace their side special, Intercept. This allows the active Monstar to create a glitchy clone that explodes or causes the active Monstar to freeze. The active Monstar gains Corpstana's green and black "bodysuit" as a physical attribute.
Corpstana's secret is revealed.
Cortana's love for John-117 was the ultimate pusher for why things ended up the way they did- believing that Chief could break through just like she had done for him in Halo 3 was ultimately her undoing. Unable to stand the infection once it was tried once again on her, Cortana was considered quite special in the eyes of the Gravemind, nicknamed "Bride of the Gravemind".
Saul Goodman gives a testimony for his client.
Your honor, my client is a heavily infectious woman- if we all just stay back and keep clean and not lock her up, we'll be able to starve out the infection, right? I think? Do you really wanna take a chance on this one, your honor?
When Corpstana is caught by Posion, Poison just merely watches Corpstana torture herself, stricken from her particularly insurgent version of Rampancy, watching as she deals 45 damage to herself.
When Ralsei encounters Corpstana, he puts on a Spartan armor outfit and fires a gun, dealing 9 damage with knockback and recoil.
Unlock Method
Collect 21 Data Models or play as Cortana/The Weapon for 140 matches.