Image + Name

Dr. Princess

Dr. Princess, full name Doctor Princess, is Ooo's top doctor, having saved the lives of royalty like Princess Bubblegum and great heroes like Jake the Dog. Her work in the field is life-saving and hard to replace and she is often traveling from hospital to hospital to aid those in need. Zapped by the beam of the Collider, Dr. Princess comes into Black Hole with her medical supplies and is ready to snap on some medical gloves to save lives of other people have become stranded here.
Dr. Princess is a fairly simple character who can adjust her playstyle using Stethoscope Beat, which allows her to be informed about the opponent's heartbeat and inflict more damage if they've been particularly active, allowing her to open kill options in the heat of a messy battle. Her other moves make her a bit of a unusual zoner, able to deal damage with a telescope, a flask that explodes into a purple blob block that erases status effects, and a heavy projectile in the form of a clipboard that can also act as a trip trap. Her Finishers are also pretty standard physical attacks with a medical flare.
Stethoscope Beat
Dr. Princess grabs her stetheoscope and punches forward while holding the resonator- if it connects to a opponent, Dr. Princess will deal 7 damage, stun, and be informed about their heart rate, which is depedent on how active a character has been. The higher the heart rate, the more knockback Dr. Princess will be able to adminster to them with their moves for the next 6 seconds.
Whyzard Telescope
Dr. Princess expands out a telescope, hitting her opponent square in the face with it, dealing 5-10 damage depending on the level of telescoping. Hold down to have Dr. Princess look out the telescope, which can reflect projectiles off the lens of the telescope, reflected projectiles dealing 1.6x more damage than the original projectile.
Whyzard Flask
Dr. Princess throws a flask at her opponent, exploding into a purple blob block that bounces opponents in a opposing direction depdent on the angle of momenteum in which they collide with it, dealing 5 damage on impact and removing any effects they might have on them. Dr. Princess can use this as a platform if it explodes in air- she can break it using any of her other attacks if it's buffered while it's being flung.
Clipboard Toss
Dr. Princess sends a clipboard at her opponent, dealing 9 damage on hit. Comes out quick, has a short range, and can cause trip when the clipboard falls to floor. Dropped clipboards stay active for 5 seconds, or disappear immediately after Dr. Princess launches a new one. Clipboards are very suspectible to wind- they become reflected by any sort of wind and deal 1.3x more damage when reflected by wind.
X-Ray Level 1
Dr. Princess throws forward an x-ray scanner and catches a opponent as it rolls across quickly on wheels. When a opponent has been snagged, she then proceeds to attack the opponent behind a X-Ray, showing them breaking their bones under her attacks, dealing 15 damage as they're blasted out, being dealt some moderate knockback and dealing with a soft Radioactive status effect.
Whyzard Level 2
Dr. Princess puts on her Whyzard costume and attacks with various scientific formulas, coalescing to create a rainbow beam that deals 30 damage on hit and inflicts Distorted, messing with their hitbox sizes. The beam must be aimed at a opponent before firing, and opponents are able to dodge it within a 25 frame window. After inflicting the beam, Dr. Princess has a vulernable animation as she returns to her normal outfit.
Cardioversion Level 3
Dr. Princess dashes forward with two electric cardioversion pads, inflicting 45 damage onto a opponent while greatly Shocking them, turning her back to the camera with the Rx symbol appearing across her back ala Akuma's Raging Demon attack from the Street Fighter series. This move, when activated, can go a max of 12 character lengths before it fails and allows Dr. Princess to cross over gaps as well. While this move is active, the playing field slow downs considerably.
Alternate Outfits
 Day Off
 Characters can undergo transformations when special effects are placed under them.
Makai Spell
Heaven Spell
Midnight Bliss
Dr. Princess has two Midnight Bliss transformations, which one you get is random:
Incubus Delight
Dr. Princess laughs hysterically and her Clipboard Toss changes into a dolphin that travels further, has a bigger hitbox, and deals the same amount of damage as normal but when it misses a opponent it'll taunt them by saying "next time". This is based off the opening of "Bad Little Boy" that features a very bizarre fight with Doctor Prince. This move change lasts for 6 seconds.
Power Drain
When Dr. Princess is caught by Rogue, she is kissed on the lips. Rogue gains Stethoscope Beat as a replacement for her neutral special Photon Blast, allowing her to attack using a resonator and deal more knockback to opponents depending on their heart rate. She also gains a healing bonus, slowly healing her life for 1 hit point for every 20 frames for six seconds.
When The Monstars rob the talent of Dr. Princess, they gain Whyzard Telescope to replace their side special, Intercept. This allows them to inflict damage using a telescope that expands in length, which deals more damage the longer it's allowed to expand. The active Monstar gains Dr. Princess' coat and head jewel as a physical attribute.
Dr. Princess's secret is revealed.
She's not a doctor or a princess- she was literally just born with the name Doctor Princess and people assumed she was either and just eventually grew into the role.
Saul Goodman gives a testimony for his client.
Your honor, my client's name is Doctor Princess. Why do you need to see her medical liscence? Is the good title not enough for you to charge her with malpractice? Especially given she's been doing a damn good job at it? That's like saying I can't be a lawyer- that I'm some sort of trouble maker who always slips up and does something wrong. Is that what you want me to admit? That I'm not a real lawyer? Because I won't do it, Chuck. Call me a chimp with a machine gun or try to debase my name- I put in the work and you'd never accept me for who I am. Because people can change, and they do every day. Sorry to get so emotional in the court room... I... yes, I'll sit down, your honor.
When Dr. Princess is caught by Posion, Poison stuffs her into a bag and then throws her into a freezer, where she is dealt 45 damage and is Frozen when she comes back out.
When Ralsei encounters Dr. Princess, he wears a nurse outfit and inflicts Drowsiness as he treats her with tender loving care.
Unlock Method
Heal over 300 damage in a single match.