Image + Name

Ermes Costello

Ermes Costello is a fellow prisoner at Green Dolphin Street Prison and seeks revenge for her sister's killer, Sports Maxx. Ermes has been in prison for a while and serves as one of Jolyne's most helpful allies as she tries to recover the being of her father who is spread across two discs by a Stand called White Snake. Headstrong yet pragmatic, Ermes finds herself in the Black Hole with Jolyne and Foo Fighters through the use of the Collider, joining Jolyne in figuring out who's behind this.
Ermes utilizes stickers to duplicate her body parts as well as other objects, able to unpeel stickers to cause them to explode or violently collide to deal damage to foes. Her Stand, Kiss, is also able to help her with punches and kicks, which it can also duplicate parts of itself for. While there's some risk involved with duplicating body parts as Ermes is not immune to the effects of her own stickers, she is a very strong character.
Gimmick: Kiss
 Ermes has a Stand called Kiss which she can summon through a special guard to switch between a "Off" and "On" Moveset- her Off moveset makes minimal use of her Stand while her On Moveset uses the Stand extensively. Ermes can stick Stickers onto herself via Here's where ya stick it! to effectively double her hits and damage output, however when she gets stunned or falls victim to a knockdown/hard damage effect ala Out of Body or Bleed all the stickers will come off and she will take 14 damage from her double limbs coming together, as well as entering a Break state. This is called Sticker Damage and must be kept in mind when using it.
Off Moveset
Ermes slides forward and summons Kiss to rapidly punch the opponent, sending them flying with the final hit, dealing 8-16 damage. The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to her arms.
Ermes summons Kiss as the both of them unleash an strong uppercut in unison, knocking the opponent into the air while dealing 7-14 damage. This move functions as a reversal and anti-air attack, and if performed on an already airborne opponent, they will be launched much higher. The attack deals more damage if Kiss's stickers are applied to her arms.
 Burst Sticker
Ermes sticks a Kiss sticker onto a explosive balloon, before unpeeling it to cause the duplicate to come together for a massive explosion, propelling Ermes high into the air unharmed if successful and dealing 20-9 damage to opponents caught in the explosion. If the opponents pops one of the explosive balloons before the animation is finished, it'll create two explosions that deal 12-5 damage to opponents and inflict 8 damage to Ermes.
 Here's where ya stick it!
Ermes sticks Kiss' stickers to herself, gifting her with four arms which effectively doubles how much damage and hits she does with her attacks- both her normals, USHAAAA!, and Uryaaaaa! are impacted by this. While crouching, Ermes can instead double her legs to increase her speed by 2x times, as well as make her kick attacks deal double damage.
On Moveset
 Right in your grill!
Ermes and Kiss both unleash a powerful downward spinning kick in unison which deals 14 damage normally, 28 damage if Ermes has stickers on her legs, and a whopping 42 damage if both have stickers active on their legs. If the opponent is hit, they are left crumpled into the ground in the Out of Body state. This requires a medium guard to stave off for opponents.
Kiss floats forward through in front of Ermes and performs a melee combo, delivering a barrage of punches that deal 4 damage, then an assault of kicks that deal 3 damage and kicks the opponent into the air, and then finally spinning around to deliver a backhand punch that knocks the opponent far away which deals 4 damage. Combined in total, this combo attack deals 11 damage normally and can be enchanced to deal 22 damage if Kiss has extra limbs.
 Pretty handy, huh?
Kiss and Ermes seperate as they grab a broom, both going equal distance away from each other in accordance to how the player posistions Ermes. After 3 seconds or pressing the attack button, Ermes will unpeel the sticker to cause the two to fly towards each other with the brooms, dealing 8-22 damage to a opponent depending on far away they were from each other. They gain super armor while holding onto brooms and this can be used for horizontal recovery.
 Take it off and it returns!
Kiss swings forward and attaches a sticker to the opponent's head, which will duplicate it, before Emrmes snatches it off, damaging them for 13 damage and knocking them down into the Out of Body state. This works well as a combo ender.
Stick it to them, Kiss! Level 1
Ermes has Kiss place stickers on their limbs, allowing them to double the damage of attacks like Right in your grill! and Uryaaaaaaaaaaa! with extra limbs. Additionally, Ermes will have both doubled legs and arms active, allowing her to double her damage output as well without using Here's where ya stick it!. This option is much safer too, as Ermes won't be subject to her Sticker Damage mechanic while this active. This lasts a total of 7 seconds before stickers return to normal without harming Ermes.
I know what you're after! Level 2
Ermes places a sticker on her forehead, creating a second head for herself, allowing her to prepare for an attack by the opponent. Once an attack is performed on her, she kicks them back, dealing 10 damage as Kiss proceeds to slam into them with 8 arms, dealing 20 damage to them and Burying them into the ground as a massive combo attack. Ermes will remove the sticker afterwards, dealing 5 damage to herself that will heal over time.
Eat this! And this! And-- Level 3
Ermes places a sticker on her opponent's forehead, doubling their heads before going into a barrage of attacks with herself and Kiss active, raising the opponent high into the air before ripping off the sticker, dealing Bleed and 45 damage to them, as well as significant upwards air blowback knockback. Ermes must be within 3 character lengths of her opponent to successfully pull this off, although she gets 1 free refund of Finisher energy if it fails per stock.
Alternate Outfits
 Characters can undergo transformations when special effects are placed under them.
Makai Spell
Heaven Spell
Midnight Bliss
Incubus Delight
Ermes laughs hysterically for six seconds before resuming to normal.
Power Drain
When Ermes is caught by Rogue, she is kissed on the lips. Rogue gains USHAAAA! or Right in your grill! as a replacement for her neutral special Photon Blast, depending on whether she copies Ermes in her On or Off moveset. She also gains a special attack bonus, boosting her special attack by 1.3x for six seconds.
When The Monstars rob the talent of Ermes, they gain either Uryaaaaa! or Uryaaaaaaaaaaa! to replace their side special, Intercept. The move they copy is dependent on whether Ermes is in On or Off moveset. The active Monstar gains Ermes' clothes and chin detail as a physical attribute.
Ermes' secret is revealed.
She hides prison money in her breasts.
Saul Goodman gives a testimony for his client.
Your honor, my client has more than served her time, especially after the Sports Maxx case was re-evaluated and it was found that he did in fact murder Ermes' sister, Gloria. It was the neglect of the police that caused her to seek "revenge" in a less than productive manner- but frankly, I say it's time enough already for Ms. Costello, don't you think, your honor?
When Ermes is caught by Posion, Poison and Ermes proceed to work together to rob a bank in Metro City, making a get away with Foo Fighters and Joylne Kujo and using their riches for a nice meal at her fathers resturant, restoring Poison by 45 health points.
When Ralsei encounters Ermes, he gives Ermes about 30 Dark Dollars. Ermes gets excited for a moment before realizing the cash is useless and tosses it, being inflicted with 2 levels of Drowsiness.
Unlock Method
Play 50 matches with Jolyne Kujo.