Image + Name


Flicky is a little bird that appears in the 1984 arcade game of the same name, trying to keep smaller baby chicks safe from a cat named Nyannyan. Flicky might have languished in obscurity given Flicky 1984 isn't very good, but their appearance in the first Sonic games made them a mainstay in the much more successful blue mascot platformer game. Flicky is one of Sonic's animal buddies that can be found stuffed in Badniks, being used often to power Eggman's machines. Coming through the Collider, Flicky decides to turn the tables in this new world, hijacking Badniks.
Flicky utilizes a hammer projectile and a wind projectile which have some interesting properties- the gust of wind can knock opponents directly up while the hammer can knock opponents down if they're hit from behind. Additionally, Flicky can summon Badniks that they can then hijack for more moves and to tank hits, as their light weight makes them rather easy to kill, although they can free animal buddies from Badniks to slightly add some knockback resistance. While they can't fly, they have a ton of jumps and can get infinite jumps in the right set up.
Gimmick: Mean Machine
 Flicky can take control of Badniks from the inside utilizing their Hammer to both stun badniks and also to hijack them, freeing the animal powering them from the inside. While inside a Badnik, Flicky will gain a very limited moveset and movement options, but be able to shoulder hits and damage without effecting their main damage values and gain access to a variety of attacks.
To summon Badniks, Flicky just needs to put down a Badnik Factory and wait for random robots to spawn and be under their use. Flicky will also be ignored by summoned Badniks but they can still take damage from them. Hijacking a Badnik will also add an animal that follows Flicky, which gives them 5% knockback resistance that stacks, resetting on knockout.
Flicky attacks with a hammer, throwing it forward to deal 8 damage, inflicting Out of Body to opponents if hit from behind. Additionally, Flicky can use the hammer to get inside a Badnik, using it to stun them and then hijack the Badnik, controlling it from the inside when it's stunned.
Wind Wing
Flicky whips their wings forward, throwing out a small gale projectile that sends opponents flying upwards when they make contact with it and also being dealt 5 wind damage. When the opponent lands on the ground, if they have a light weight state they'll be inflicted with Dizzy.
Flicky Flap
Flicky flaps their wings upward, able to do three floaty, glidy jumps in a row before falling into a free fall state. If they get damaged, their counter will reset. They can get basically indefinite air time if they have the correct set up. This doesn't count for their traditional double jump as well, giving them five jumps in practice.
Badnik Factory
Flicky sets down a Badnik Factory, also known as a Robot Transporter, which summons Badnicks. Utilizing Hammer, Flicky can crawl inside and kick the animal operating inside, controlling it from the inside. There are a total of 10 different Badniks Flicky can control that are listed below. Flicky can set up 2 Badnik Factories and Badniks can attack opponents, although generally have low health. Badnik Factories themselves have 45 health each and can be destroyed.
Thermal Shot
While Flicky is in Buzzer, they can fire a thermal energy shot that deals Burn as well as 5 damage. The shots are very small and Flicky can fire up to 4 on screen at once. They also can flinch lighter opponents. The shots come out at a diagonal downwards direction.
Spiked Segment
While Flicker is in Caterkiller, they can drop one of three segments as a trap, which inflicts 9 damage on contact and knocks opponents upwards in the air at the angle that they approach it. When they're just a head, they can explode it to deal 10 damage to nearby opponents before returning to Flicky's normal moveset.
While Flicky is in Coconuts, they can throw a coconut that deals 8 damage and inflicts hard stun when hit, usually resetting momenteum for characters when they get hit. Coconuts kind of fall at a random length away from Coconuts, usually going further the farther up Coconuts is up on a stage element.

While Flicky is in Coconuts, they can also clutch onto walls or other stage elements, slowly going up or down. Once they clutch onto something, the player can move up and down with the control stick to adjust how high they are. The higher they are on something they're climbing, the farther they'll throw coconuts.
Bounce Back
While Flicky is in Crawl, the robot will passively bounce back opponents with their shield. When this move is used, Crawl thrusts the shield forward which will triple the knockback they normally perform, sometimes rapidly accelerating opponents off the stage. Doesn't deal damage.
While Flicky is in Grabber, Flicky can clutch onto a opponent and bring them to the top of the screen before flashing as the opponent is in their grip, exploding for 18 damage. Opponents can escape from Grabber but this becomes harder the more damage they have taken. When Grabber explodes, Flicky will return to their normal moveset.
Grabber String

While Flicky is in Grabber, Flicky create a string and ascends to the top of the screen, of which they can use Collect to grab a opponent from the high vantage point. Additionally, Flicky can exit out of the Grabber while at the top as recovery.
Drill Nose
While Flicky is in Grounder, the robot will passively deal 4 damage with their nose on contact, but this move charges Grounder and then pushes forward to deal 8 piercing damage. They can also drill through walls.
Breath Shot
While Flicky is in Rexon, they can shoot a energy shot from their mouth, dealing Shock and 8 damage, able to shoot up to three of these projectiles. They are rather slow but small, good for adding pressure to a opponent.
Spin Attack
While Flicky is in Roller, they can spin up into a ball and fly through the air as a ball of destruction, dealing 7 damage while bouncing off the opponent that they dealt damage to. It inflicts stun on impact, knocking opponents back and can cause the opponent to bounce off the floor. It has homing properties if close enough.
Mace Stinger
While Flicky is in Skorp, they strike forward with a tail attack, inflicting a stun on hit and dealing 8 damage. Mashing will cause the tail to strike repeatedly, creating a combo attack- after five hits, the opponent will be knocked away quite a bit to break away the combo.
 Nyannyan Level 1
Flicky summons their old rival, Nyannyan, who attacks opponents with a claw attack that deals 10 damage with each swipe. Nyannyan jumps around and is very speedy, combined with their small hurtbox, which can make them a pain to hit. They have 35 health and stick around for up to 10 seconds before leaping off the stage. Nyannyan will also eat rival Flickies' line of animals if they're in any sort of mirror match.
 Guardian Level 2
Flicky hijacks the insides of the Temple Guardian from Sandopolis Zone, walking forward and able to lunge forward, dealing 20 damage and burying opponents that get attacked by the Guardian. The Guardian only has a hurtbox on their face, flying back when they take damage on their face. They have a total of 50 health, falling apart if they run out of health. They can tank many attacks in this mode. Guardian is active for up to a max of 15 seconds, before Flicky has to abandon it as it sinks back into the stage.
 Eggrobo Level 3
Flicky hijacks the insides of the super smart and comptent Eggrobo, able to fly around as the robot while firing neon lasers from their blaster, which deals 15 damage on hit and inflicts Doom. Eggrobo can also charge forward, spiking opponents at an angle and deals 17 damage, able to very quickly speed around the air. Eggrobo has 75 health and can be destroyed with attacks, although if not destroyed Flicky will abandon the Eggrobo body which explodes when it makes contact with something, inflicting 20-11 damage after 20 seconds. When Eggrobo is depleted of health, they'll also explode but in the air.
Alternate Outfits
 Characters can undergo transformations when special effects are placed under them.
Makai Spell
Heaven Spell
Midnight Bliss
Incubus Delight
Flicky laughs hysterically in place for 6 seconds. Inside of a Badnik, they'll be powered up to deal 2x more damage for 6 seconds.
Power Drain
When Flicky is caught by Rogue, the Flicky is patted on the head. Rogue gains Hammer as a replacement for her neutral special Photon Blast, allowing her to throw a hammer. She also gains a jump bonus, boosting her jump height by 1.3x for six seconds.
When The Monstars rob the talent of Flicky, they gain Wind Wing to replace their side special, Intercept. This allows them to flap their arms and create a gust of wind that acts as a projectile that sends opponents flying upwards. The active Monstar gains Flicky's bands around the eyes as a physical attribute.
Flicky's secret is revealed.
They are a race of bird-like aliens that come from a planet called Drak- they migrate to Mobius every year.
Saul Goodman gives a testimony for his client.
Your honor, my client is... just a bird. Come on. What is this, Tom and Jerry? A Tweety Bird cartoon? I just don't think it's feasible for the Flicky to drop an loaded pistol to kill the cat, I'm sorry.
When Flicky is caught by Posion, Poison places them in a capsule and sells it off to a mysterious mustached seller, who builds a strange, large robot that locks Flicky inside and extracts energy from them to deal 45 damage.
When Ralsei encounters Flicky, he feeds Flicky some bird seed that makes them just a bit too big to get into Badniks for 10 seconds.
Unlock Method
Destroy 100 enemies in Strongholds.