Image + Name


Frye is a member of the band Deep Cut, and represents a third of the Splatfests that occur in Splatsville, a town overrun with chaotic anarchy. She has a pack of eels that do her bidding, which are infused with ink. While doing a splatfest with her co-stars Big Man and Shiver, the Collider pulled the three into Black Hole- but the Splatfest must go on! Are you team Pikachu?
Frye utilizes her eels in her moveset as a pseudo puppet projectile, able to send them out as well as continuing to fire ink through them. She utilizes ink in her moves and so keeping that replenished is good for making sure she can do as much damage as possible and also prevent her from taking a knockback debuff. Frye also can fire her eels like missiles as well as use them as a wave to recover. While projectile heavy, Frye is a bit unweildy but her stage control along with her cohorts is almost unmatched.
Gimmick: Eel Deal
 Frye utilizes ink infused eels in her moveset, which act as a constant puppet projectile she can use. She can send them out through Moray Mix-Up and fire more projectiles out of them using Hundred Eel Vision or use them for her up and down specials Moray Whirlpool and Eel Downpour to inflict heavy damage while keeping them close. Hundred Eel Vision will work even when disconnected from Frye, allowing her to do some interesting disjointed attacks. Her yellow ink inflicts Absorber and Burn on impact for opponents, while walking across it will inflict Shoe-Glue and Burn over time.
Like other Splatoon characters, Frye's attacks rely on a ink meter which must stay filled to induce ink in her attacks otherwise they become very weak and don't use ink. Additionally, Frye's knockback resistance will lower greatly if they have no ink.
Moray Mix-Up
Frye sends out her eels to do a twisting eel projectile attack that hits 3 times for 6 damage with soft stun each time, with the final hit causing the opponent to be knocked upwards, dealing 8 damage. When Frye is weak on ink, it'll deal 0.6x of the intended damage. This also inflicts the Absorber effect and the Burn effect.
Hundred Eel Vision
Frye has her eels shoot ink, deal 1.5 damage per shot and inflicts Absorber and Burn. She can do this while the eels are performing other moves, allowing her to passively keep pressure on opponents and coat the the stage in her ink. Comes out fast but is very weak, which won't even cause opponents to flinch. If she's out of ink, she'll fail a dance move and trip.
Moray Whirlpool
Frye sends out an expanding circle of eels around her and then rides them upwards. The player can tilt the control stick to change the direction of the eels- while in this state, she can stay in the air with the eels for 3 seconds before going into a free fall state as she falls off- although the player can still control the eels and use Hundred Eel Vision to attack until they make contact with something, dealing 9 damage with heavy stun, inflicting Absorber and Burn.
Eel Downpour
Frye holds back her eels for a moment as targeting reticles appear around her, before launching eight eels to come down like rain, having slight homing properties except during the last 50 frames. The areas they land will be marked and they'll explode against the ground before reappearing around Frye. When eels hit the ground, they deal 10 damage on sweetspot contact, 7 damage on sourspot contact, and inflict Absorber and Burn.
Frye morphs into the ground and starts to refill their ink tank. On surfaces covered in their orange ink, they'll gain a buff to how fast it refills. In this stage they have a much shorter hitbox but will take additional knockback if hit. They're still vulernable, after all.
Micro Octostomp Level 1
Frye whistles as a miniature version of Octostomp rises underneath her feet, with her eels nestling across the surface. Frye then rides left or right according the direction the player tilts the joystick before the platform shakes and then stomps down, dealing 15 damage to anything underneath it as well as Flattening it underneath, as well as covering it in Frye's ink. Takes about 2.5 seconds for the platform to fall, although the player can send it down early by pressing any attack button.
Great Moray Transformation Level 2
Frye dances and brings her hands together as her moray eels transform into giants, turning into a tightly packed school of writhing eels that come out from either the right end of the stage or the left end of the stage, coming out in a horizontal manner to deal 30 damage to opponents caught in their school. Generally covers about 60% of the screen and knocks opponents back as the eels move towards the other side of the screen. Recovery or extremely well-timed parries can get you through this massive packed attack, although being hit also covers you with Frye's ink. After this, Frye's eels return to her at their "normal" size.
Deep Cut Level 3
Frye calls together Big Man and Shiver and they perform Unload Fins in the Air together on the bottom of the screen on their own isolated bottom platform, firing jets of red, blue, and yellow ink which deal 15 damage each and cover the opponent in their respective inks, which have different effects:
- Red (Big Man): Red ink inflicts Shoe-Glue and Poison effects, dealing 3 damage each 30 frames as opponents have it stuck on them and it coats the stage as a carpet material.
- Yellow (Frye): Yellow ink inflicts Shoe-Glue and Burn effects, dealing 3 damage each 30 frames as opponents have it stuck on them and it coats the stage as a carpet material.
- Blue (Shiver): Blue ink inflicts Shoe-Glue and Frost effects, dealing 3 damage each 30 frames as opponents have it stuck on them and it coats the stage as a carpet material.
After 9 blasts of ink, the performance comes to a end and Frye returns to the stage on her eels as Big Man and Shiver disappear below.
Alternate Outfits
 Characters can undergo transformations when special effects are placed under them.
Makai Spell
Heaven Spell
Midnight Bliss
Incubus Delight
Power Drain
WhenFrye is caught by Rogue, she is kissed on the lips. Rogue gains Moray Mix-Up as a replacement for her neutral special Photon Blast, allowing her to attack with a twisting eel projectile. She also gains a projectile power bonus, boosting her projectile attack power by 1.3x for six seconds.
When The Monstars rob the talent of Frye, they gain Hundred Eel Vision to replace their side special, Intercept. This allows them to have the basketball shoot ink projectiles while it's active. The active Monstar gains Frye's mask as a physical attribute.
Frye's secret is revealed.
Appearing to be nothing but a singer and dancer for Deep Cut, Frye is actually part of a cabal of thieves interested in treasure.
Saul Goodman gives a testimony for his client.
Your honor, my client couldn't have broken into the underground facility to steal plans for government-sanction air weapons. As the Squidbeak Splatoon team will allege, there's just no possible timing for that to even be true. Throw this case outta court your honor, this one's not fresh at all? Sit down? Okay.
When Frye is caught by Posion, Poison throws water balloons at her, dealing 45 damage as water is toxic to her.
When Ralsei encounters Frye, he accidentally splashes her with some water under the impression she needs it, dealing 11 damage and inflicting Poison.
Unlock Method
Play as Illnott 25 times.