Image + Name

Gilderoy Lockhart

Gilderoy Lockhart was a famous wizard in his world and time, before he mysteriously lost his memory. He mostly seemed happy, albeit he was never fully functional until a mysterious entity restored his memory and he found himself to be one of the few people from his universe to survive its rupture and tearing from the effects of the Black Hole. When Gilderoy recovered his memories, he realized that he had very little magical ability and that he had erased memories of other great wizards and claimed their stories for their own. Unsure of how to go about himself going forward now that he had a new perspective on himself, he is under the belief he has a daughter after hearing about another "Lockhart" and searches for her.
Gilderoy Lockhart is a magic user with a magic meter that slowly drains over use of his special attacks. When he runs out of magic, his spells become weak and can also become new moves that have a chance to backfire on him. The only way to gain back magic is his Level 2 Finisher, Oblivate. Gilderoy has to keep messing with his opponent if he intends to keep using magic, of which he generally has pretty good moves for recovery, keeping opponents away, and messing with them and freezing them. Even with weak spells though, Gilderoy can still ocasionally find uses for his moves.
Gimmick: Rusted Magic
 When Gilderoy casts magic other than Obliviate, the Memory Charm, he gradually weakens in magic attacks irregardless of how fresh his moves are in general. Casting Obliviate allows him to boost back his magic. When Gilderoy restores his magic, Petrificus Totalus gains a boost and changes the status effect it inflicts. When Gilderoy continues to cast magic when it's at it's weakest, it has the chance to back fire, creating new versions of the spells that Gilderoy can't use consistently and sometimes damages him.
Gilderoy casts Rictusempra, a knockback charm with tickling effects. Rictusempra sends the opponent flying back from knockback irregardless of how much actual damage they have taken and is briefly stunned with laughter at the end of it. If the opponent presses the movement stick in the opposite direction of their knockback, they can halve the distance and recover from the laughing animation near immediately. Doesn't deal actual damage but the knockback from this charm scales up with damage. Can backfire on Gilderoy at it's weakest state.
 Petrificus Totalus
Gilderoy casts Petrificus Totalus, a full body binding charm. When applied to an opponent, they will become frozen but won't take damage from the charm. The frozen effect lasts longer if the opponent has yet to take damage, but the more damage they take the less this charm will be effective. On a fresh cast after performing Obliviate, it will instead petrify an opponent. When in a frozen state, the opponent can be attacked for 0.7x the normal damage from attacks. At it's weakest state, the charm will backfire and freeze Gilderoy instead.
 Alarte Ascendare
Gilderoy casts Alarte Ascendare, a rocket charm. Gilderoy can either cast this on opponent to make them rocket into the air with immediate helplessness, or cast it on himself to rocket himself up as a recovery. The latter method is the default motion for an up special, but to inflict it on others Gilderoy can guard while doing the motion and it will instead shoot as a magic projectile. When the opponent lands, they take slight fall damage, from 1-5 damage depending on how heavy their weight is. At it's weakest, Gilderoy will take fall damage himself, dealing 3 damage to himself.
Gilderoy casts Spongify, a charm that makes the ground soft and bouncy. Gilderoy casts it on a patchwork of the stage surface which will make it yellowish in color and incredibly bouncy, bouncing off opponents or projeciles. Gilderoy always casts this at a downwards diagonal and can cast up to three spots of Spongify before they become overwritten. When put on a opponent, it just deals 8 damage but makes them jump higher. At it's weakest state, it creates a puddle on the ground that causes the shoeglue effect.
 Ossio Dispersimus Level 1
Gilderoy casts a spell that causes the opponent to collapse due to a lack of bones in their body. While the opponent will be immune to damage, they won't be able to attack, only roll across on a boneless body. This lasts for five seconds.
 Obliviate Level 2
Gilderoy casts Obliviate and saps magic from his opponent, refilling his magic meter and restoring his ability to commit spells correctly. The opponent is inflicted with Silence, a status effect that makes it impossible for them to use special moves, for 10 seconds although does not take any damage from the spell. If reflected, Gilderoy will instantly be knocked out and lose a stock.
 Transmogrifian Torture Level 3
Gilderoy casts Transmogrifian Torture, inflicting 45 damage and Distorts his opponent pretty bad, drastically rearranging their hitboxes as a result. Gilderoy should not cast this move if he's low on magic or it has the potential to backfire, making him Distorted and take 35 damage.
Alternate Outfits
 Characters can undergo transformations when special effects are placed under them.
Makai Spell
Heaven Spell
Midnight Bliss
Gilderoy Lockhart becomes a female version of himself who has long flowing hair, teardrop earrings, and wears a blue dress.
Incubus Delight
Gilderoy Lockhart says a bunch of really weird lines such as "I'm going to my treehouse!", "I just caught my intern embezzling funds for a cup of Starbucks!", and "I'm writing a book about Twitter arguments, would you like to see?" but otherwise nothing about him changes. This effect lasts 12 seconds.
Power Drain
When Gilderoy Lockhart is caught by Rogue, he is kissed on the lips. Rogue gains Ritcusempra as a replacement for her neutral special Photon Blast, allowing her to do a knockback magical attack. She also gains a special attack bonus, boosting her special attacks by 1.3x for six seconds.
When The Monstars rob the talent of Gilderoy Lockhart, they gain Oblivate to replace their side special, Intercept. This allows them to cast Silence on anyone as a casual effect, since this is the only actual talent Gilderoy has beyond making himself look good. The active Monstar gains Gilderoy's clothes as a physical attribute.
Gilderoy Lockhart's secret is revealed.
Please read literally any other book.
Saul Goodman gives a testimony for his client.
Your honor, my client may have said some crazy things about hijacking wizards careers to further his own to some kids, but how trustworthy are kids anyway? Besides, the evidence is sort of flimsy, especially after his home universe was smashed apart at the seams, leaving very little to actually investigate...
When Gilderoy Lockhart is caught by Posion, Poison makes him read some of the works by Alison Bechdel under threat of whip. He comes out knowing more but also fairly Sleepy.
When Ralsei encounters Gilderoy, he shows him a mirror and Gilderoy becomes transfixed by it for 10 seconds, slowing gaining a level of Drowsiness every 2 seconds.
Unlock Method
Collect 7 Ansem's Reports.