Image + Name Info

Isca the Unbeaten

Isca the Unbeaten, true to her name, is a unbeatable Omega-level mutant hailing from Okkara. Her ability is literally to always win. This has its own weird quirks- Isca will impulsively join the side of the future victor on impulse and while she can be tricked to "win" in situtations that will put her in less fortunate situtations, she still does always win. She is highly sought after by the villains in Black Hole who have their own ideas for what to do in the fused world, but she will only join the side that can "beat" her.

Isca is a character that cannot lose, to the point where explaining her gameplay is mostly a formality at this point. She is a sword fighter with pretty good moves, but in general her ability will always edge her in a way where she will always win. Even intentionally trying to lose while controlling Isca will have her wrest control out of the player's hands to win the battle. Opponents against Isca must use Endgames, her version of Finishers, to either get shared victory via barters or changing teams or make her leave the fight.

Gimmick: Unbeaten

Isca is a unique character in that she can never, ever lose. This is a passive trait and it is one that is subject to a lot of game mechanic warping, to the point where her Finishers are actually used by her opponents instead of her. These Finishers are known as Endgames instead. These change the conditions of victory for her and her opponents.
  • Isca can win by opponents convincing Isca to wager on their victory instead, thus giving her a victory by wager. This will increase their power through something known as a Unbeatable Boost, which gifts opponents the maximum possible boost of 999x to all stats. This is used by her Endgame, Wager of War.
  • Another condition of victory can have Isca join the team of the winning opponent. This is used by her Endgame, Tides of Victory.
  • The last condition of victory that opponents can use Isca's power in their favor via a paradox. Using a iron-clad argument, Isca's only condition will suddenly shift to the only way to "win" by her definition would be to in fact, lose. This is used by her Endgame, Inverse Failure.
Characters gain "Sway" over Isca through survival (1 sway every second) and attacking her (1 sway per point of damage done to her). Sway maxes out at 100 for each character, and thus some of Isca's Endgames must be reached by multiple opponents offering up their maximum Sway to Isca to change the nature of the match.

It goes without saying that a mirror match between Iscas will immediately have the two join onto a team and end the match immediately in a shared victory.
Show of Mercy
Isca emerges with Mercy, her blade, and does a V-shaped set of swings that each deal 3 damage, comboing opponents for 3 damage and inflicting Weak on the opponent afterwards. This move has a magnetizing effect to nearby opponents within a 3 character length from the hitboxes of her attack, requiring opponents to run if they are being magnetized. Surpass All
Isca charges forward with Mercy, inflicting 9 damage to any opponents in her path as she performs this charge. She can hold down to charge as long as she wants and will have super armor during the entire move. This has high priority, allowing her to shrug off even the most powerful of attacks and surpass all in her war path.
in Death

Isca swings Mercy up in a uppercutting motion before swinging down, catching opponents with the blade and magnetizing nearby foes to the blade. This deals 9 damage and can bounce opponents off the ground at higher percents. In the air, it can be used to cut down a recovering opponent and this suicide tactic will always favor Isca in deciding who wins the match, unlike any other variant of this kind of kamikaze attack. Counter-Red
Isca gets into a defensive stance and can hold it for up to 5 seconds before resuming her idle animation. When this move is used, she will counter her opponent and deal 1.5x more damage than their intended attack- or she will reflect a projectile for 1.5x more damage if the situtation calls for that instead. While in the counter animation, she can only counter one attack at a time, but she will have super armor during the animation.
Wager of War
100 Sway
A single opponent can wager to Isca that they will win and Isca will take their stance provided they have enough Sway over her. When a opponent has Isca's Wager of War on them, they will gain a drastic boost to all stats, giving them what they need to win. RNG manipulation will greatly favor what are considered favorable numbers However, this also means that it is impossible to lose as well for the opponent- attempting suicide moves will not work correctly or will favor them similar to the mechanic in Victory... in Death and alternate win conditions will not function against opponents with a wager on them. If the opponent wins, Isca will also be considered a victor even if they are not on the same team.
Tides of Victory
200 Sway
Two opponents can convince Isca to join their team, changing her allegiance. This will work even if the match wasn't even originally a team match and may even instantly end the match if there are no more opposing characters to fight.
Inverse Failure
300+ Sway
Three or more opponents can challenge Isca to a contest of understanding- of which Isca will begin a inner monologue as she considers it.

A pathetic opponent, Isca thought. Standing there unknowing, speaking to one who has lived ten thousand and more -- and never lost a fight in her life. And what had this character ever lost? Their freedom? Their love? Their family?

Ten thousand years and more...

Isca's thoughts turned, unbidden, to her childhood. Laughing, splashing in the surf off Okkara with her sister. Running games on the sand. Who could swim fastest, skim a stone farthest? Little Isca always lagged behind, but she laughed with the others.

When she began to win, it was a novelty at first.

But she could never lose.

The games ended soon after. But life was good. Her sister married a blue-lipped boy who hung on every word of her philosophy. Children were born, and swords were forged in ceremony, for their old use was long done with.

Then the demons came, and one island became two -- the number of the fall. Of the self and the shadow self. And Isca won every battle -- carving her personal swath through the demon army.

She could never lose.

Her efforts brought Annihilation to the gate with whispered words for her sister, that appealed to Genesis' ideals - her dark dreams of what Arakko could be. Temptations that were heeded.

She remembered feeling the shift inside her -- when there could be no winning -- and it had felt like nothing at all. It was not she that had changed but the world around her, the perspective flipping so completely that there was simply no choice to be made. No choice at all.

She could never lose.

So she left her home behind and walked into Amenth, to the demon lands, to join the First Summoners and fight for their cause. And she took one, bone-white and lean- a genomic mage with a quick, cruel wit and the devil in his eyes -- to be her lover.

Together, they were conquerors and prison lords, bending the proudest to their will, and the calls of "traitor" and "oathbreaker" were as easily borne as summer rain on her skin. Until the world shifted again. Until she turned again.

For she could never lose.

And -- after the great victory she joined so late - her people despised her, and her family was lost to her, and all her love's wit and cruelty was spilled onto the dirt with his brains, while she watched. And that too was in some way because she could not lose-- for there was cruel wit to be found on Krakoa as well.

And then the world had shifted again, and shifted back, and she had never had a choice.

So there was no freedom for her either, even now. How could there be?

How could she understand loss?

Isca remembered a laughing girl running along a beach. She fell to her knees.

One second had passed.

She then forfeits the fight, giving the opponents a victory, although she will not appear in the results screen.
Alternate Outfits


Characters can undergo transformations when special effects are placed under them.
Makai Spell
Isca becomes the Scarab sword, a sword she forged that is capable of being split up into four parts and was forged to celebrate her sister's marriage to Apocalypse.
Heaven Spell
Isca becomes an External Gate, which are used to get around in Arakko.
Midnight Bliss
Isca takes on the appearance of Annhilation, a parasitic, evil mask that transforms their host into a deity that was powerful enough to sway Isca to fight her fellow mutants.
Incubus Delight
Isca takes on a appearance similar to Death, one of her nephews and one of the first Horsemen. This transformation takes on the colors of her team.
Isca will briefly become Jokerized, her colors and allegiance changing to that of the Joker from Detective Comics, seeing chaos as victory and thus her attacks have more erratic animations and she can chain them together when buffered. Lasts for 6 seconds.
Power Drain
When Isca is caught by Rogue, she is kissed on the lips.
Rogue gains Show of Mercy as a replacement for her neutral special Photon Blast, allowing her to attacking using Mercy in a V-shape of sword swings. This version of the move has RNG active, dealing a random amount of damage or stall during the move. She also gains a attack bonus, boosting her attack by 1.3x for six seconds.
When The Monstars rob the talent of Isca, they gain Surpass All to replace their side special, Intercept. This allows them to charge forward with high priority and super armor. Their version has RNG active, sometimes going further, sometimes going less farther, or simply not working at all. No version they have can surpass Isca's version of the move.
The active Monstar gains Isca's markings and armor as a physical attribute.
Isca's secret is revealed.

Isca is bound by destiny in a way that very few are, and while she embraced it for a while, it began to rear an ugly head when it took her husband and she began to see it as a curse, not the blessing it used to be.

Saul Goodman gives a testimony for his client.
Your honor, my client can't lose this case. She literally cannot. Not guilty. Bye.
When Isca is caught by Posion, she reverses the whip on Poison and slams her against the wall to deal 45 damage to Poison, leaving her defeated.
When Ralsei encounters Isca, he plays a guessing game that Isca wins effortlessly, despite Ralsei's best efforts. Doesn't induce Drowsiness as Ralsei's alternate win condition doesn't really work on her.
Unlock Method
Win a battle against Isca to unlock her.