Image + Name

Katie Killjoy

Katie Killjoy is the female news anchor of 666 News, the main and most well-respected source of news in Hell. A foul-mouthed woman who's an open homophobe and doesn't care much for her co-anchor's comments, often abusing him in some way. She's incredibly aggressive, barely keeping in her contempt and anger at all times, snapping frequently- with her neck in particular. She found herself in Black Hole through the beam of the Collider, and she figures she might as well keep the cameras rolling for her audience back in Hell.
Katie Killjoy is at tall fighter who can really effect the playing field using her audience back in Hell to wage bets on who will be the winner, hyping or insulting her opponents to effect their knockback and power output. She can punish extremely well but has ways for her moves to backfire. Additionally, it's always possible to overshoot hyping your opponent to the point where her toolkit can't deal with them effectively.
Gimmick: 666 News
Katie Killjoy is performing a newscast for her station, 666 News, and as such her moveset runs under the assumption the fight is being recorded for the viewers back in Hell. Bets will be placed on the winner of the match as it plays out, with odds growing over the match. Katie can temper the bets by reporting with News Anchor and Tom Trench, with whatever nearby opponents being either hyped up or Katie will talk shit about them.
Higher bets on opponents will generate more knockback on them, but will also give them a 1.1-3x boost to a random stat. Lower bets on opponents will give them more knockback resistance, but also debuff them by 0.7-0.9x to a random stat. When she defeats a opponent with a high bet wager, she'll gain a huge boost to her winnings post-match and also a fair bit of Finisher Energy boosted. Meanwhile, if she defeats a opponent with a low bet wager she'll gain a minimal Finisher Energy gain or straight up lose some Finisher Energy.
News Anchor
Katie Killjoy sits down on a horned chair, which while in the air will cause her to fall and deal 11 damage and Bury opponents underneath her. She will begin reporting for 666 news, hyping up or insulting opponents nearby, which the player can tilt up or down to adjust her attitude, which also causes her to shift her legs as she changes her commentary. Opponents who get hyped up will have higher betting chances placed on them, while opponents who get insulted will have lower betting chances placed on them.
Cigarette Flick
"This used to have another name, but they wouldn't let me use it." Katie Killjoy smokes a cigarette before flicking it forward, inflicting 5 fire damage to opponents- Burning them if they happened to be covered in Oil. The player can hold down the button to have Katie absorb more menthol, which builds up Finisher Energy, although this allows her to be punished easily.
Spindly Legs
Katie Killjoy generates four insect-like legs on her back and then bends low to the ground before launching herself high into the air, putting her into a freefall state immediately afterwards. While in start up frames, her insect legs can deal piercing damage to opponents below, inflicting 9 damage and causing Bleed. This attack also has spiking properties.
Pen Punish
Katie Killjoy winds up and then stabs forward with a pen as she clicks it forward, dealing 7 damage on hit, 19 damage if hit in the sweetspot as well as putting the opponent in the Out of Body state. If Katie stales the move, the pen will explode and spill Oil on herself and nearby opponents while dealing no damage.
Tom Trench Level 1
Katie Killjoy summons her co-anchor Tom Trench, who acts as a passive version of her News Anchor move, reporting on nearby opponents and either chiming in with his own hyping or insults, effecting betting wagers from the audience in Hell. This power doubles when Katie Killjoy joins him in reporting with News Anchor. Tom Trench has no attacks but is immune to Poison, Radioactivity, and Irridiation and has a total of 45 health before being "killed" and sent back to hell.
Hot Coffee Level 2
Katie Killjoy dumps some hot coffee on her opponent, usually on the lap, dealing 30 scalding damage to the opponent and the game will consider them Wet. This move comes out quick, gives Katie some invicibility frames, and has spiking properties, making it good for edge attacks.
Full Demon Level 3
Katie Killjoy activates her Full Demon form, generally making her attacks 2x quicker to come out, negating landing lag, increasing the height of Spindly Legs, and inflicting 1.6x more damage with all of her attacks for 15 seconds. While much more powerful, any opponents she attacks will have their bet wagers lowered significantly the more she hits them, usually lowering her payout from kills.
Alternate Outfits
 Characters can undergo transformations when special effects are placed under them.
Makai Spell
Heaven Spell
Midnight Bliss
Incubus Delight
Katie Killjoy will only use insults while using News Anchor and she laughs hysterically otherwise to the point where she cannot attack. Lasts for 6 seconds.
Power Drain
When Katie Killjoy is caught by Rogue, she is kissed on the lips, of which Katie Killjoy immediately goes into a homophobic tirade afterwards, leaving her vulernable to attack. Rogue gains News Anchor as a replacement for her neutral special Photon Blast, allowing her to attack with a horned chair and casually insult or hype up opponents to no effect. She also gains a defense bonus, boosting her defense by 1.3x for six seconds.
When The Monstars rob the talent of Katie Killjoy, they gain Cigarette Flick to replace their side special, Intercept. This allows the active Monstar to smoke a cigarette and flick it, gaining some additional Finisher Energy growth. The active Monstar gains Katie Killjoy's news anchor outfit and eyes as a physical attribute.
Katie Killjoy's secret is revealed.
Katie Killjoy killed herself via hanging, of which she did due to her self-denial over being a homosexual herself. She is in deep denial about herself as a result and may never be able to come to the conclusion she's in the closet.
Saul Goodman gives a testimony for his client.
Your honor, my client comes from Hell, they're supposed to be terrible! You can't sue a person who's already dead! We went over this in I.M.P vs the Walt Disney corporation- it's impossible to police Hell and we can only crack down on the use of objects to get out of Hell- of which she did not use.
When Katie Killjoy is caught by Posion, Poison holds her down against her news anchor desk and tells the camera crew to turn away as whipping and moaning can be heard, Katie Killjoy being dealt 45 damage while Poison smokes one of her cigarettes as Katie wobbles off her desk in a Dizzy state.
When Ralsei encounters Katie Killjoy, he writes a essay about her best qualities, of which she takes and is incredibly confused on why he would do that. Inflicts 2 levels of Drowsiness.
Unlock Method
Get 666 KOs as April O' Neil.