Image + Name

Maria Robotnik

Maria Robotnik is the daughter of Gerald Robotnik, who ends up being the grandfather of Dr. Eggman in the present of Sonic's universe. Maria was also a sister of Shadow and the Biolizard, who were considered the ultimate lifeforms and were created in a effort to understand her disease. The Collider pulls Maria in through across time, placing her into the Black Hole inexplicably. Saved from her fate of being gunned down by G.U.N. soldiers and her father going insane and wanting to kill humanity, Maria must fraily walk slowly through her new surrondings.
Maria Robotnik is a joke character who has only one attack, which is a slap attack that comes out fast but is fairly weak. Her Finisher Bar growth is 4x faster than other characters and have some actual utility but this doesn't really make up for her lack of utility.
Gimmick: N.I.D.S
 Maria is a joke character with a single button attack toolset, but her Finisher Bar gain is 4x as quick as other characters and allows her to utilize her Finishers much faster. Due to her Neuro-Immune Deficiency Syndrome (N.I.D.S), Maria also takes 2x as much damage from all attacks and gets knocked down instead of stunned from attacks. Needless to say, she's not exactly supposed to be a fighter.
Neuro-Immune Deficiency Slap
Maria has a slap attack that deals 4.3 damage and it is her only possible attack in this entire game. It comes out quick, can be done in air, and causes opponents to flinch which means it's easy to chain into a "combo". Due to it's rather miserable range and weak output, it is maybe one of the worst moves in the entire game despite it's positive qualities. As Maria's only attack, it cannot stale.
Gun Lift Level 1
Maria utilizes a Gun Lift from Lost Impact, which she has claimed to have operated before. The Gun Lift is armed with a turret that releases bullets every 10 frames while held down, moving across an electrical green path from one edge of the stage to the other. Touching the green electrical path will Shock opponents and deal 9 damage. Bullets fired from the Gun Lift's turret deal 6 damage and cause stun on impact. When Maria's Gun Lift makes it to the other end of the stage (typically around 5-8 seconds depending on size of stage), the move will end. Maria has super armor while riding a Gun Lift.
Artifical Chaos Level 2
Maria casts an Artifical Chaos to float in place above her, which will attack using snaking long water tentacles to deal 15 water damage on hit, inflicting heavy stun on impact. Additionally, the Artifical Chaos can launch the protective shell around it's head in pieces known as Cells, which attack by speeding into the opponent to deal 17 damage with Bleed being inflicted onto the opponent. The Artifical Chaos has 50 health before it is destroyed and is weaker without it's protective shell. It is weak to fire elemental attacks.
The ARK Level 3
Maria crouches down as the Space Colony ARK suddenly moves from the distant reaches of space and takes aim and fires at a opponent to inflict 45 damage and Irradiate the opponent on impact. This cutscene Finisher is very quick and will aim for the last opponent Maria connected a slap to, thus negating the need to properly connect this move while activating it, which is typically not the case with other cutscene Finishers.
Alternate Outfits
 Characters can undergo transformations when special effects are placed under them.
Makai Spell
Heaven Spell
Midnight Bliss
Incubus Delight
Maria Robotnik goes insane and says not nice things while attacking people but literally nothing else about her changes for 6 seconds.
Power Drain
When Maria Robotnik is caught by Rogue, she just drops her. Rogue gains nothing out of this.
When The Monstars rob the talent of Maria Robotnik, they gain Neuro-Immune Deficiency Slap to replace their side special, Intercept. This allows them to perform a really weak slap. The active Monstar gains Maria Robotnik's dress as a physical attribute.
Maria Robotnik's secret is revealed.
Her father was an awful person, working with known bad actors such as Black Doom and G.U.N. who he always knew one or the other would cross him after utilizing their resources.
Saul Goodman gives a testimony for his client.
Your honor,I stand before you today to defend my client, Maria Robotnik, against the charges of colluding with her father, Gerald Robotnik, on the misuse of resources from the government. My client is innocent of any wrongdoing. She had no involvement or knowledge of her father's actions. Gerald Robotnik is the mastermind behind this scheme, not Maria.
When Maria Robotnik is caught by Posion, Poison just shrugs and refunds back that Finisher Energy.
When Ralsei encounters Maria Robotnik, he throws a faulty Heal Unit that induces 4 levels of Drowsiness.
Unlock Method
Lose 200 matches as any Sonic series character.