Image + Name


Maxima is the queen of Almerac and a student of the Crucible, who trains super powered aliens. While her family wanted her to find a male mate to help their dwindling population, Maxima harbors no such feelings for any male- she is a lesbian. While she briefly was friends with Kara, aka Supergirl, these days she spends ruling with her betrothed who goes by the name Primaa and finishing up her training. But it couldn't be so simple- she is teleported to the world of Black Hole through the Collider.
Maxima is a strength based character who can supercharge their attacks through the Hypercrown, which will give one of the biggest damage boosts in the game at the cost of a debuff afterwards. They are a fairly powerful character and have great options for offensive play, but not so much for defensive play or off-stage situtations, which a fairly medicore recovery. Her summons do help give her a bit more edge in stage control.
Psyche Blade
Maxima sends out a pink physic knife that inflicts 7 damage with Bleed on hit. The player can tilt the control stick to slightly angle te projectile, and Maxima can send out two knives at a time through double tapping. It comes out quick and is an effective tool to rack up damage but has no kill power.
Almerac Attack
Maxima barges forward with her shoulder, inflicting 11 damage and knocking foes hard at a downward angle, effectively spiking them if she does it in the air. She has super armor during the middle frames, making it good for advancement towards a foe and survival.
Maxima performs a jumping strike attack with three knives coming underneath her while she leaps forward into the air, gaining some serious vertical momenteum. The knives deal 6 damage and inflict Bleed on hit. Additionally, Maxima can also slam down with an additional press of the attack button, dealing 14 damage on impact to opponents when she lands.
Maxima utilizes her Almeracian Hypercrown to rejuvenate her strength, giving her a 3x boost to her physical attacks for 9 seconds. After the boost wears down, it takes 18 seconds to reboost, and she gains a 0.8x debuff to her strength for a 7 second period of time before her strength finally goes back to normal.
 Tsavo Level 1
Maxima opens a portal so her Crucible classmate, Tsavo, can jump into the battle. Tsavo rears up and then proceeds to rush across the ground with a spinning claw attack, dealing 15 damage on contact with high knockback. After Tsavo hits a edge, he leaps back to the portal to return back to the Crucible to continue his training.
 Primaa Level 2
Maxima opens a portal as Primaa, her girlfriend and betrothed, comes in with a spear attack, dealing piercing damage to one opponent with hard stun as her spear appears to go through her opponent with the spear, dealing 30 damage before pulling out to show it hadn't actually. She and Maxima kiss before Primaa returns to the planet Almerac, giving Maxima a free 3x boost to her strength and speed for the next 6 seconds before returning back to normal strength.
 Almerac All-Out Attack Level 3
Maxima opens up a giant portal, getting plenty of Almeracian warriors to follow her into battle, with each Almeracian soldier dealing 17 damage with varying weapon attacks, inflicting hard knockback. Additionally, Wonder Woman comes through with her lasso, bringing opponents into the center of the stage where Almeracians can gang up on to deal damage to them. They last for 8 seconds before a portal appears and the Almeracian warriors return to Almerac.
Alternate Outfits
 Characters can undergo transformations when special effects are placed under them.
Makai Spell
Heaven Spell
Midnight Bliss
Incubus Delight
Maxima gains a 2x boost in strength which lasts for 6 seconds, and her animations become a bit more aggressive overall as well. She also inflicts Solar on each hit.
Power Drain
When Maxima is caught by Rogue, she is kissed on the lips which Maxima takes pretty kindly, kicking her legs as she lets Rogue embrace her. Rogue gains Pysche Blade as a replacement for her neutral special Photon Blast, allowing her to fire energy knives. She also gains a attack bonus, boosting her attack by 1.3x for six seconds.
When The Monstars rob the talent of Maxima, they gain Almerac Attack to replace their side special, Intercept. This allows them to throw knives while jumping and doing a powerful slam move. The active Monstar gains Maxima's suit as a physical attribute.
Maxima's secret is revealed.
She's not just gay, but also polyamarous. She still has feelings for Supergirl.
Saul Goodman gives a testimony for his client.
Your honor, my client is the rightful ruler of Almerac. Mr. Ultraa here might feel different as to what he's entitled to, but the fossil records check out and we know for a fact it's real- it's all bullshit and the whole system is rightfully unestablished.
When Maxima is caught by Posion, Poison holds her down against her throne and realizing she can take the punishment, becokens Almerac guards to give them some privacy as whipping can be heard. Maxima takes 15 damage as Poison gains a boost in strength, briefly powering her strikes for 3x as much power.
When Ralsei encounters Maxima, he does a show of strength by attacking with his scarf, which deals no damage to Maxima and incurs 2 levels of Drowsiness.
Unlock Method
Play as any Action Comics character a total of 75 times.