Image + Name


Well, there's Noah. He moves pretty fast for an old guy. The object's to get the animals in the ark. He's an old man, and not only does he pick the animals up, he lifts them over his head. It doesn't even slow him down. How can such an old man be so strong? Have you ever tried to lift a horse? Not that easy. What the shit?! Let alone a horse and an ox? Or, fuck! A horse, a cow, and two oxen?! What the fuckin' shit?! Noah's so goddamn strong, he puts the Hulk to shame! And the poor creatures are so scared shitless, they don't even try to get away! Noah, man. Nobody fucks with him.
Noah is a joke character that is mostly centered around carrying animals and opponents above his head and throwing them, as his rock projectile is terrible and his other specials mainly center around his unique holding and throwing mechanic. Each of the God's Animals he's able to summon have slightly different properties, whether it be how much damage they do, what they do after being thrown, or even how they act while carried. His Finishers are all based off other Wisdom Tree games, usually giving him some power and then a fair bit of food if he's successful.
Gimmick: Ark Handler
 Noah can summon and throw animals gifted to him from God, which are known as God's Animals. Noah is unique in that he can "grab" and "hold" multiple things, up to 10, above his head and keep them in his grip. Some things he carries have different properties for how he holds them or throws them. A full list of God's Animals are listed below. God's Animals also have different behaviors after they are thrown as well.
God's Animals
Cows deal 8 damage when thrown at opponents and are generally peaceful, sometimes grazing grass after being thrown. They disappear after 7 seconds if not Wrangled.
Bulls deal 8 damage when thrown at opponents and will ram into opponents for 6 damage if nearby after being thrown, with heavy knockback. They disappear after 7 seconds if not Wrangled.
Horses deal 12 damage when thrown at opponents and are generally peaceful, sometimes galloping around after being thrown. When Noah jumps while carrying a horse they will be dismounted. They disappear after 7 seconds if not Wrangled.
Monkeys deal 4 damage when thrown at opponents and climb around on platforms after being thrown. They can be stunned to be grabbed again. They disappear after 7 seconds if not Wrangled.
Pigs deal 6 damage when thrown at opponents and generally run away from Noah and opponents after being thrown, needing to be stunned with an attack to be picked up again. They disappear after 7 seconds if not Wrangled.
Squirrels deal 4 damage when thrown at opponents and throw acorns that deal heavy stun and inflict 8 damage on hit. They can also knock themselves out with the acorns, as well as other animals. They disappear after 7 seconds if not Wrangled.
Snakes deal 7 damage when thrown at opponents and inflict Poison on toss. They are generally peaceful after being thrown and can be carried again easily. They disappear after 7 seconds if not Wrangled.
Sheep deal 7 damage when thrown at opponents and are generally peaceful, sometimes grazing grass after being thrown. They have a natural passive reflective nature and can be used as a bouncy platform. They disappear after 7 seconds if not Wrangled.
Noah hoists a opponent or/and a God's Animal over his head, carrying up to 10 things at once and can thow them. God's Animals will be unharmed but opponents will take 5-22 damage depending on how many animals are part of the throw.
Rock Throw

Noah throws a rock at a very poor angle, being high above him which slowly moves at a falling arc over a long distance of about 10 character lengths. It deals 7 damage and inflicts Break on impact.
Arkwood Barrel
Noah plucks an barrel from the Ether, able to throw it to stun opponents hard and deal 10 damage. This has a short arc of 5 character lengths and will be considered a object that Noah and his opponents can pick up and throw unless unattended for 6 seconds, in which it will disappear.
God's Animals
Noah plucks an animal from the Ether, being a random animal from the list of God's Animals. He summons them from a pool of 8, and cannot summon more than 2 of the same kind. When summoned, they appear above him as he carries them. There is a small cooldown of 2.5 seconds after summoning an animal, but Noah can summon as many he wants.
 Bible Buffet Level 1
Noah opens up a board game that unleashes killer tomatoes that run after opponents, dealing 15 damage if they manage to get into contact with them. Three killer tomatoes are unleashed and each has 35 health, able to be dealt with ranged attacks, although they take 4x as much damage from explosives. At the end of the Finisher if the tomatoes get into contact with a opponent or are all killed, a quiz appears above Noah asking True or False- asking if the Tomatoes got the opponent or not, although this is never actually asked in-game. If Noah answers correctly, he is rewarded with a buffet of food items that drop above him.
 Exodus Level 2
Noah summons in Moses from the NES game Exodus to clean house, Moses using his rod to fire off Ws that inflict 13 damage and go horizontal to the edge of the screen, able to fire off 5 Ws a second. Moses aims for opponents across his axis, sometimes jumping or going down platforms to get to an optimal posistion. Noah can still attack while Moses is active. Moses is active for 7 seconds before disappearing, leaving behind a Bible that Noah or a opponent to collect to summon a bolt of lightning to Shock anyone in the center of the stage, dealing 18 damage.
 Super 3D Noah's Ark Level 3
The game switches into a Doom-like 3D shooter perspective as Noah traps his opponents on his Ark, having 10 seconds to sling food at his opponents, knocking them down to deal 45 damage if he manages to shoot them with his food slinger. If Noah fails to shoot any opponents on his Ark, he'll be Sleeping when he returns to the stage, but if he successfully gets one opponent he'll be rewarded with 3 food items, with 3 more food items rewarded for each opponent he successfully shoots with his Food Slinger.
Alternate Outfits
 Characters can undergo transformations when special effects are placed under them.
Makai Spell
Heaven Spell
Midnight Bliss
Incubus Delight
Noah briefly lets out a electrical shock that will cause opponents to be put into an Out of Body state. This is a reference to the way Wisdom Tree games would beat Nintendo's NES Lockout chip- temporarily disabling it with a shock adminstered to one of thee pins. Noah will shoot out electrical shocks 7 times but it won't deal more than 1-2 damage to opponents.
Power Drain
When Noah is caught by Rogue, he is kissed on the lips. Rogue gains Wrangle as a replacement for her neutral special Photon Blast, allowing her to carry up to ten opponents, objects, or items by raising them over her head. She also gains a speed bonus, boosting her speed by 1.3x for six seconds.
When The Monstars rob the talent of Noah, they gain Rock Throw to replace their side special, Intercept. The active Monstar will throw a rock that goes over their head, clearing a long distance while very slowly going down, dealing average damage. The active Monstar gains Noah's cloak and staff as a physical attribute.
Noah's secret is revealed.
Noah actually lived in a hollow Earth, where the Ark rose to the surface as the interior was filled with water and then cast into rock.
Saul Goodman gives a testimony for his client.
Your honor, my client may be a crazy nut, but he is not obligated to put anyone on his ark that he doesn't want to. None of the animals on there are owned by anyone, and if we're really under the belief the world will be flooded, you can build your own ark.
When Noah is caught by Posion, Poison waterboards him for 45 damage, inflicting Break on him.
When Ralsei encounters Noah, he asks Noah if there will be room for Yoshi on his Ark, which causes Noah to take 3 levels of Drowsiness.
Unlock Method
Unlocked by finding a unmarked cartridge in one of the Reel Stages.