Image + Name

Tuco Salamanca

"Tight, tight, tight! Tight! Yeah! Blue, yellow, pink. Whatever, man. Just keep bringing me that!"
Tuco Salamanca is a psychotic drug kingpin from the New Mexico area, doing buisness with Walter White and Jesse Pinkman until he tried to make them into drug-making slaves, threatening to uproot their lives entirely in favor of cash and meth overflow. He samples his own product frequently and often beats up his own associates when they anger him. As part of the Salamanca family, his death originally triggered the rest of the events of Breaking Bad. Taken via the Collider into Black Hole, Tuco is very disappointed to find Walter and Jesse working with Gustavo Fring now.
Tuco Salamanca is a bruiser type character that cares more about doing damage than killing at times, due to his Intimidation mechanic. As he deals more damage to opponents, he builds up more of a cash flow as his meth empire grows in size and influence. He can use meth to power up his attacks and even use a gun to shoot at his opponents. His Finishers can be really deadly in the right hands, especially if he becomes really wealthy as two of his Finishers can be impacted by how much money he's built up.
Gimmick: Kingpin
 Tuco, like other Breaking Bad series characters, fights in service of the almighty dollar. However, Tuco doesn't necessarily make money like every other character, instead making passive income as his operation continues to move crystal throughout the south valley, bitch. Instead, what Tuco builds up is Intimidation. Intimidation is built up by attacking and killing other opponents. The more Intimidation Tuco has, the faster his wealth grows. 25 Intimidation is gained from each kill that Tuco performs, while 1 Intimidation is gained from each point of damage that Tuco does on his opponent. Intimidation is lost if Tuco loses a stock, putting him back down to minimum Intimidation, thus Tuco players must really be aggressive to get as much Intimidation as possible after a death.
- 1-100 Intimidation: 100 Dollars every second
- 101-500 Intimidation: 250 Dollars every second
- 501-1,000 Intimidation: 500 Dollars every second
- 1,001-5,000 Intimidation: 1,000 Dollars every second
- 5,001-9,999 Intimidation: 5,000 Dollars every second
- 10,000+ Intimidation: 10,000 Dollars every second
Bloody Knuckle
Tuco performs a powerful downward punch that immediately puts opponents into a knockdown. This deals 9 damage. and Tuco proceeds to then pummel them and the player can rapidly tap to build up damage. Each button press adds 1.2 damage, although this move performs by grab escape rules meaning that the more damage a opponent accumulates, the harder it will to be to escape. This only builds damage, with this move having spiking properties in the air but otherwise having no kill utility.
Carbine Carnage
Tuco uses his M4 Carbine to fire bullets, which deal 8 flinch damage and can prevent a opponent from moving if he continues to hold down on the fire button. He can also walk and perform stiff jumps while firing the gun. Additionally, grabbing a opponent and performing this input will have Tuco slam the opponent's face against the ground with the Carbine against their skull, allowing him to perform a super powerful shot to their head that deals 18 damage and the recoil will have him jump off the opponent.
Code of Hammurabi
Tuco gets into a defensive stance, which is active for 2 seconds, allowing him to counter opponents perfectly with a violent beatdown that will temporarily also disable the move they tried to hit him with.
This is different than Silence or Umbra as it specializes on disabling that move that he counters, as well as inflicting 2x damage of the original move that was intended to hit him.
After performing Code of Hammurabi, Tuco will have a tighter window to perform it again in- first only having 1 second active before it goes down to just 30, then 15 frames total, in which it caps out at that minimum performance time.
Meth Madness
Tuco uses one of three types of meth to power himself up, which are all based off each of the Breaking Bad meth cooks' signature types of meth.
- Walter's Sky Blue - Gives Tuco a blue aura and infuses his attacks with Astral power, making all his knockdowns inflict the Out of Body effect for 7 seconds.
- Gustavo's Glass - Gives Tuco a yellow aura and infuses his attacks with Solar power, making all his punches inflict the Solar effect for 7 seconds.
- Jesse's Chili Powder - Gives Tuco a pink aura and infuses his attacks with Burning power, making all his punches inflict the Burn effect for 7 seconds.
Tuco can switch which type of meth he uses with his guard and each time he uses there is a 18 second cooldown starting with use.
 Moneybag Beatdown Level 1
Tuco attacks with a money bag filled with cash. Tuco's damage output is varied depending on how much cash he has:
- 0 - 1,000 dollars - Tuco deals 10 damage with the Moneybag.
- 1,001 - 10,000 dollars - Tuco deals 15 damage with the Moneybag.
- 10,001 - 50,000 dollars - Tuco deals 20 damage with the Moneybag and inflicts Break on the opponent.
- 50,001 - 150,000,000 dollars - Tuco deals 30 damage with the Moneybag and inflicts Bleed on the opponent.
- 150,000,001 - 999,999,999 dollars - Tuco deals 45 damage with the Moneybag and inflicts Weak on the opponent.
Money is not cleared out of Tuco, so this move can be very deadly with a wealthy Tuco especially due to it's low Finisher energy cost.
 Grilled Level 2
Tuco rides a red 1982 Chevrolet Monte Carlo stolen from Jesse Pinkman and drives it forward to deal 15 damage and hard stun to any opponents in his path, before taking their bodies and stashing them into the trunk of the car and leaves a brick on the gas pedal to have the car careen into the wall or edge of the stage. If it hits a wall, it'll deal 30 damage to all opponents inside, but if it goes off an ledge opponents can mash to escape the back of the car although they will have to react fast or they will probably be ringed out and killed. While a very deadly move, it relies heavily on Tuco being able to land the first hit with opponents.
 A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal Level 3
As Tuco Salamanca gains more money, this move will influence the ending of Hank's story you get when you perform this finisher. This will drain all your money and leave you with the possible endings as followed:
- 0 - 1,000 dollars - The Jesse Pinkman ending. In this ending, Tuco has Jesse Pinkman pathetically swing his arms towards a opponent to deal 19 damage while Tuco barks orders at him, before getting Jesse to give him some meth to restore some health and put him into a pink aura similar to Jesse's Chili Powder Meth Madness but extended for 15 seconds. All money is cleared out of Tuco.
- 1,001 - 10,000 dollars - The Walter White ending. In this ending, Tuco has Walter White drop a "not-meth" and cause a big explosion that deals 27-11 damage and inflicts Break on anyone caught up in the explosion. Tuco then barks to Walter White to give him some of that Sky Blue shit, giving him a blue aura from Meth Madness but extended for 30 seconds. All money is cleared out of Tuco.
- 10,001 - 50,000 dollars - The DEA Shootout ending. In this ending, Tuco goes to his hideout while Hank Schrader will bust the opponents and send the DEA to perform a shoot out, which appears as 3 shots from a reticle that deal 30 damage each to opponents caught in the glare of the DEA reticle. All money is cleared out of Tuco.
- 50,001 - 150,000,000 dollars - Hector ending. In this ending, Tuco's crippled uncle who acts as the overseer of almost all Salamanca operations wheels himself out and taps his bell multiple times, building up a charge via a gas-powered bomb on his wheelchair to deal a massive explosion that deals 45-23 damage to opponents caught up in it. All money is cleared out of Tuco.
- 150,000,001 - 999,999,999 dollars - Infinity Stones ending. In this ending, Tuco smashes up the the Infinity Stones and snorts the pieces, imbuing him with universe altering power, snapping his fingers to eliminate half of his opponents cleanly. In a 1v1 match, this will straight up just instantly kill the opponent. All money is cleared out of Tuco.
Aternate Outfits
 Characters can undergo transformations when special effects are placed under them.
Makai Spell
Heaven Spell
Midnight Bliss
Tuco Salamanca becomes a shaved head butch woman with Tuco's clothes.
Incubus Delight
Tuco Salamanca becomes a lot more aggressive and laughs more, with his physical attacks becoming 2 times more faster, ala his behavior closely resembling his Breaking Bad role more and more. This lasts 6 seconds.
Power Drain
When Tuco Salamanca is caught by Rogue, he is kissed on the lips. Rogue gains Bloody Knuckle as a replacement for her neutral special Photon Blast, allowing her to pummel opponents with hard strikes with her fists. She also gains a attack bonus, boosting her attack by 1.3x for six seconds.
When The Monstars rob the talent of Tuco Salamanca, they gain Carbine Carnage to replace their side special, Intercept. This allows them to spray bullets out of a gun to deal damage. The active Monstar gains Tuco's clothes as a physical attribute.
Tuco Salamanca's secret is revealed.
Tuco hates chili powder.
Saul Goodman gives a testimony for his client.
Your honor, my client is an insane lunatic that does operate a drug trade, that is true and in the eyes of the law that normally would be enough to put someone in jail. However, you do have to admit, slander on someone's grandma like the two defendants did against his is pretty uncalled for. I think Tuco was in the right for this one, don't you?
When Tuco Salamanca is caught by Posion, Poison beats him on the head with a rock and shoots his stomach on the side with a pistol, inflicting 45 damage before leaving to take over his operation as he bleeds out on the sand. Tuco Salmanca will lose all Intimidation as if he had died even if he didn't necessarily.
When Ralsei encounters Tuco Salamanca, he offers Tuco a Dark Candy only to be utterly shocked as Tuco smashes it up and snorts it, telling Ralsei that he makes a good product and telling him to get him more. Tuco takes four levels of Drowsiness but also all of his attacks are imbued with the Umbra effect while a dark aura surronds him for 7 seconds.
Unlock Method
Create 50 batches of Meth as either Walter White, Gustavo Fring, and/or Jesse Pinkman.